08-13-2012, 09:00 AM
<br /> Lance and I teamed up for Madison&#39;s tournament Saturday. We had 1 goal. Fish like Jmax .emoLaugh emoLaugh So we started out throwing spooks over grass edges with little success. Went to T rigged worms and shakeyheads. Lance must have had a fire lit in his butt or something, he came in with his A game !!! ( which is most anyone else&#39;s C&#43; game emoScratch ). Combined we probably caught 20 fish, with me having maybe 5 of those and none of mine would make the 3 fish limit.emoBawl Spent most of our day over near the islands and Island Cove marina. I did have one break me off a foot from the net that would have been our biggest easily and would have pushed us well over the 12lb mark. emoBawl But that&#39;s fishing. Had fun and wasn&#39;t nearly as hot out which was a welcome relief ! emoDance emoDance <br /> I want to thank everyone responsible for making the tournament a success ! Chattanooga Bass Assassins is a fantastic club with some great great members ! I am proud to be a member and know each of you! To everyone who donated and everyone that fished. THANK YOU !! Just like everyone else my family is tight on money and when you add in doctor bills that may never stop , it adds to the frustration. We have been dealing with this disease and the bills that come with it now for over 7 years. Every penny donated is used to pay Madison&#39;s doctor bills, nothing more and nothing less. With out you guys and gals helping us out, we would be paying those bills really late.
We will be doing another tournament next year and hope to make it even bigger ! We will find another needy family and help them out. Agian to everyone who helped, donated, fished, or just showed up to chat. emoThanks emoThanks emoThanks emoThanks