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Full Version: First experience at Newton
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I made it out to Newton this morning and was pretty excited to go try all the tips you guys gave me (thanks again). But I didn't realize just how bad the boat ramp was. I did not have a four wheel drive tow vehicle and the water was about 10ft or more below the end of the ramp and I knew I wouldn't make it back up the steep dirt hill below the ramp. Feeling a little discouraged after driving about an hour and a half to get there I went and parked the boat, but there were fish jumping all over the place so I decided to walk down to the shore and see what I could see. There were small largemouth swimming around everywhere but then I saw some dark shadows south from the ramp a little ways. I walked over and there was a pretty good sized muskie sitting almost right on the bank. I casted towards him but he just turned and went the other way. But then about 10ft farther down I saw another one, I casted just past him and to the side a little and he instantly turned around and smashed my lure!

[Image: muskie.jpg]

Not a bad fish for my first time there. So even though we didn't get the boat launched, the day wasn't a TOTAL failure. We only stuck around for about an hour but didn't manage to catch anything else but small bass. I've never seen so many muskie in one place though, just in the small cove by the ramp I probably saw 20 or more muskies just sitting almost right on the bank in different places, just couldn't get them to bite anything.
Dude, that is awesome. I don't think you realize what you did by catching a tiger, or you would have a bigger Smile or a Smile on your face. Or maybe you were just to tired to Smile after a battle with a fish that big.
Oh I was plenty excited, trust me! But in the picture I looked nervous cause the damn thing kept trying to bite me and I thought it was going to flip out of my hands.
That's "totally awesome"! First time, musky landed - very nice! Some would call you lucky - I'd call it right place, right time, right offer.

I think low water brings out the aggression in the Musky (like they don't already have THAT!)

There is a zone across from the launch that some folks put in at, not as steep - but that can work for or against ya.
I've dropped my boat in when the launch was high-dry - put pretty well pushed it off the trailer. You'd probably want at least FWD to handle.
Nice job! I am going to be heading out there one evening this week to go after those things again. Glad the whole trip wasn't a bust. I didn't realize you didn't have 4 wheel drive. I have to put mine in 4x4 to get up out of there, and I guarantee my boat is lighter that any other boat that has been on the water there.
Nicely done! I've yet to catch me a muskie but it's my goal for this year so I'll get one here yet
Damn, That aint a bad first experience!!!! Nice Fish!!!!
Yeah we tried to think of any way possible to get it in the water but it didn't look like it was going to happen. It was kind of dumb on my part because we had a 4wd truck that we could have used but we couldn't find an adapter for the trailer lights so we ended up taking a dodge caliber. Probably the most gutless little car to ever pull a boat, and it was spinning the tires on the hill next to the ramp so I knew there was no way it would go up the steep part. But with my luck if we would have got the boat in, I probably wouldn't have caught anything haha.
yeah and it really sux if you get the boat in then cant get it out. I have seen guys sink to their axles when the have to come off the ramp like that. Good call to fish from shore, you managed a pretty nice fish.
Congrats again