08-15-2012, 09:00 AM
This was my first CFF Tourney and I have want to say thank you to the guys that put it on. We had a good time, even thought the bite seemed to be slow for us. Because it was cloudy and had been raining, we started with topwater on some shallow grass flats. I was throwing my JMax emoPoke , I mean my spook. 2nd cast, I caught one right at 3lbs. We continued fishing the flat, watching several good fish work the area. We stayed in there til after dark without another bite. We made the move up river and started fishing some main lake grass edges with blades and plastics. We caught a couple shorts right off on spinnerbait. After fishing quite a ways, I was getting frustrated. With the storm looming down on us, I get smashed right at the boat. Good solid fish on a blade. Little better than 3.5lbs. We fished 5 more minutes and went looking for cover. No luck, we got hammered, I mean soaked emoEek We kept our heads down and rode it out. After the rain slacked off, we kept fishing grass, grass and more grass. We couldn't get our 3rd keeper. At 11:45pm, I made the move to the river and turned out to be the right choice. Immediately, Oscar sets the hook on the worm. Solid 16" keeper. That takes the pressure off with a limit in the box. My next cast, another 16" keeper. We decided to keep working the area on the river, moving shallower as we went. At 1:30, Sitting in 15 fow throwing up in 8-10, I feel a tiny tick on my worm. Set the hook and another solid 3+ in the boat. We culled the 16 incher and started making our way back to the park. Oscar and I kept talking about how the bite just seemed off for us. I feel fortunate to have had what we had. At the scales, Our fished weighed 9.7?, which was good for 4th. Congrats to the the winners, they had an awesome sack of fish with that ever so elusive kicker fish.