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Full Version: Advice for Jordan River
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Hi, I am new here, and to fishing(well not new exactly, but have not fished in a decade so like new). I went up to the Uintas with a group of friends to teapot lake, we didn't catch a thing but I got hooked (if you can pardon the pun). I dont have a large range of travel on a day to day basis, so I have been looking for local spots in or very close to salt lake to go during weeknights after work, and came across the idea of fishing the Jordan river.

I have gone out the past two nights, and not even had a bite. so let me tell you what i am doing and maybe you guys can give me some pointers.

I have been going to the boat launch at raging waters (approximately 1700 south redwood road) I have been focusing on using 1/32 size jigs with the gummy rubber bate on them. but I have also used spinners, and power bait. I am aiming for the yellow perch and white bass that are said to be in the river. the first day i got there around 5 oclock and was there for 2 hours, and yesterday I was there at about 8 and was there till 9:30
I am not sure how deep the water is in that section this time of year but I would try good old fashioned night crawlers on size 2 hook or smaller. I would either use a bobber with about 2 feet of leader or use a slip sinker with a swivel below it and also 2 feet of leader. If the water is really deep or shallow you may have to adjust the leader length under a bobber. Not too sure how many perch there are in that section but should find a white bass or catfish. Let us know how you do.
i fish the jordan 1 to 2 times a week and have found that the best bait all around is a nightcrawler or some cutbait on the bottom. i use 2 bb size splitshots about a foot above my hook and focus on slack water where the current isnt pushing your bait away or into snags. you will catch all species in the river that way especially perch since they are bottom dwellers. but saying that the farthest north ive gotten a perch is at point of the mountain area. i mainly fish between 4500 south and 110th south. ive got this year Bluegill,crappie, sunfish, WB, LMB, both catfishes, walleye, tons of suckers and carp aswell as the cool looking grass carp. ive laerned on the jordan if you arent getting bites within the first 15 minutes with that technique then you shoulod find a new spot. For me its been great the last 2 weeks. i landed about 10 catfish and lots ofcarp in an hour or so on sunday so its all about location cause i had trouble with that river for a few years where i couldnt even get a bite but now i have agood spot that produces everytime. do some exploring until you find a honey hole cause they are there.
Hope this helps
I'll echo what the others said about nightcrawlers. Best all purpose bait ever. I have found that in many cases a half nightcrawler is better than a whole. It works better for panfish and trout, I think.