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My favorite fishing spot is farm pond that I stocked myself a little over 10 years ago. The bass have just gotten up to the 4-5 pound range, but this year I've only caught 2-3 pounders. The water level is down 2-3 feet without any water rainfall bringing new water in this summer. My question is when the pond gets smaller and less room for fish, which size fish tend to survive the drought the best? Big fish or the smaller fish?
Your private little fishing hole sounds awesome, congrat's!!!

That is a great question, the typically thought is the bigger fish will rule the lower water but when the water level drops for a good period of time, the baitfishes spawning areas go away. The problem with that is the baitfish that typically could hide (and reproduce) are exposed shortening the reproduction cycle as they are eaten. In order to keep big fish in the pond you need a baitfish there that can readily reproduce. Bluegill is a great chioce. The problem with lower water is that if the food source (bluegills not reproducing) goes away it will stunt the growth of the bigger fish. The pond should still sustain fish but you may have to wait for the water level to come up to start to see bigger fish again.

If possible when the water level comes up you could restock the baitfish to expidite the process of producing bigger fish?
I find that in stressed waters that the stunted one survive the best.

it is a good idea to harvest them around 3/4 in to their life span. they dont live as long as you would think. this gives smaller one a chance to fight for available food.

as a general rule to many big fish in a pond can be devistating on all the rest, including the same species.

I fished a farm pond for years, and found that you realy get a couple big ones. if you know that your in to a hard winter or a hot summer, it is a good idea to take the big ones out and give the rest a better fighting chance.

tipicaly the biggest ones will be the first to die in stressed situations..