08-17-2012, 09:00 AM
Today was a rare treat. Sam and I got out after work for a few hours. we fished our favorite hole in high flow before trying to load the boat with some skipjack. So first anchor Sam beats me to the rod and reeled in a 61 lber. Even if that was all she wrote it makes for a good day. By this time it was about 7:15 so we ran up to the dam and broke out the carolina rigged foley spoons. We slayed the skips on the foley spoons. it was almost not fair. Ended up with a 5 gallon bucket full of skips (26 for those of you wondering how many skips go in a 5 gallon bucket). Since the bucket was full and we still had some time we went and anchored in a spot both sam and I have caught good fish in at dusk. The anchor started slipping and we got snagged pretty good on one rod. One problem with 80 lb leader is its pretty difficult to break free when the time comes. Fortunately I was not able to break the leader but when the rod came unsnagged I realized there was a pretty decent fish on. I fought the fish for a few minutes before it came up and turned out to be a 25 lb flattie. So the score for the night was a 61 lb blue, a bucket of skipjack, a 25 lb flattie, and a good night with a good friend. As Richard always says... Life is good and getting better every day!<br /><br />http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj8/bobaftt1212/IMAG0138-1.jpg<br />http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj8/bobaftt1212/IMAG0137.jpg<br />http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj8/bobaftt1212/IMAG0136.jpg<br />http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj8/bobaftt1212/IMAG0134.jpg