08-17-2012, 09:00 AM
<br /> Made a late night decision to hit the water for a while this AM and none of the usual suspects could go so solo it was for me. Hit the Nuke about 6:30 and tried for a few minutes catfishing before the white bass jumping caught my eye. <br /> I was ready for them and planned on catching a few anyways. The didnt like to come up or stay up at all, but luckily I had my handy Foley spoons tied Carolina rig. While others were still using popping corks and flies, I was steadily filling the cooler with bass. One boat couldn&#39;t stand it and asked what I was throwing, I told him and he asked if I had any extra he could buy, I told him I would give him some and he was shocked. He did give me his CFF screen name but I didnt recognize it and I have forgotten what it was, sorry. <br /> He and his buddy started catching a few, but I gave them chartreuse, and I was using white, (all I had was a couple white spoons left). A while later the other boat that was there was also asking and I was glad to give them a dozen as well. Even though it had slowed down a bunch, I decided since I had been culling fish for a while, I think I caught 35-40, I would head to the intake to try some catfish. Put the boat in gear....nothing. Check cables, nothing, check under cowling, nothing. Get in water to cool off for a minute, and I realize I had NO prop on the motor. Unreal. <br /> I had seen Bassert go by and while I trolled towards Skull island, I called him up to see if he was available if I ran out of t-motor juice. he was ad came and got me about half way back. He mumbled something about a jinx, all I know is i got a free ride back to the ram and saved gas. emoPoke