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Full Version: evening at Newton
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I took my daughter to Newton tonight for a little daddy-daughter time. She bought herself a license last October and hasn't really had much chance to use it.
Anyway, we got there and I rigged her line, and she caught a perch and a bluegill before I even got my line in. We proceeded to play with a lot of little fish, with the perch running about 8 inches. I have never seen so many crappie there as I did tonight. None were more than 7-8 inches long, but we both had a great time. She caught bluegill, perch, crappie, a green sunfish and a channel cat. I finished with LMB, perch, and crappie.

I saw a couple of muskies caught, or nearly so. There was the guy across the lake that hooked one, and was surely very excited, with others coming from around him to see it landed. All of a sudden, I heard a snap, and then a rumble of sympathy and disappointment from the angler and his audience.

Another gentleman on my side of the lake started casting, and very quickly I saw a muskie jumping in front of him. He set aside his pole, and started handlining it in. I asked him about it, and he said he had snagged another line (there was no one closer to him than us), and on the end of that line was a muskie. Just as he got it to shore, it broke off. At least he probably gave it a better shot at survival.

The timing was not right for it to have been the same fish lost across the lake, as they were very close together timewise, and the two fights seemed to overlap.
I did hear/see someone across the lake get one. I was concerned from some snippets of conversation I picked up that they may not have known TM's cannot be kept there. Comments were overheard about dinner and such. The gentleman nearest me thought they could be kept over 40", but as those who frequent this forum should be aware, none can be kept of any size. Maybe they need some signage up there?

The most upsetting thing of the evening however, was that there were maybe 12 people fishing on the dam when I arrived. Seemed like quite a party, and I did see them catching some fish, nothing too big. The party was comprised of both children and adults. After they left, I walked over to the dam where they had been fishing, and there were no fewer than 50 dead perch strewn about the shore. Just left for dead. It really made me mad. they were already gone when I saw this, or I would have reported them for wasting gamefish. The thing that made me sick, was now all those children have been taught that it is OK to do this to the fish they don't want. If they took them home for dinner, great. If they don't want to take them home, great. But to be so uncaring as to not toss them 5 feet back to the water? That is just ignorant.

Back to the fishing though, my daughter and I caught fish until almost dark, and we had a great time. She was so excited to catch so many fish, I just might get her out again.

PS- No pics, but the water appeared to be down at least a foot or two, just since I was last there on Saturday.
[reply]I did hear/see someone across the lake get one. I was concerned from some snippets of conversation I picked up that they may not have known TM's cannot be kept there. Comments were overheard about dinner and such. The gentleman nearest me thought they could be kept over 40", but as those who frequent this forum should be aware, none can be kept of any size.[/reply]

That was me! Don't worry, the kids (one in particular who had a stringer he wanted to use) kept wanting to keep the fish, but we assured them that it's against the law to keep them. There is a sign right there at the entrance saying muskie cannot be kept as well. It was the first time the other gentleman had fished here I believe, because he didn't know muskie were in here. He caught it with a blue fox and 6 lb test lol. Great times, it was a really nice evening.

Really makes me mad about the perch though, who waists fish like that? It's kind of like the farmer near benson burning weeds when the air is already so full of smoke...some people!

And you really caught a catfish? Wow! I've heard they were in here but have yet to see one come out.

[quote andiibart]It's kind of like the farmer near benson burning weeds when the air is already so full of smoke...some people![/quote]
Yeah, how DARE he be concerned with preserving his livelihood? Better that he worry about YOU than worry about losing his season's efforts - as just happened out there with The Reese family.

Given the choice between preventative maintenance that improves the odds of NOT losing my annual income... and 'letting it ride' so folks like yourself don't get upset...

Well, let's just say you'd be getting little more than a flip of the bird. Try shifting your paradigm a bit, my friend. Your complaint is pretty ignorant.
Now now - retract the claws there bud, or as they say "don't have a cow man" (or a pig, or some corn). And you're not even a farmer (or are you?). Do we call you the King of Corn now?

I had the same thought driving out to Newton and seeing a big plume of smoke from a field. Really? Now - with all this haze? But I see your point - if they gotta do, they gotta do.
It's all those target shooters blasting away at the dry hillside I'd think they'd do well to curb! But then I'll get hollered at my some gun-rights advocate.

It's tough when all our precious fisheses are at risk of dehydration with all them pesky farmers sucking the waters down. I know one angler who seems to be losing a lot of sleep over them Preston lakes getting run dry.

I honestly don't know how this year's levels compare to too many past years. Only since getting a boat does it really have an impact on me.

Now wasting perch - that should be a crime! (oh wait - it is!)
Maybe they come from that earlier mentality of folks that considered perch trash fish. Heck - at least toss them back in, so the Musky can chow down.

Catfish! The rumors are true! How big was it, and what did you catch it on? Close to shore, or out deep?

Bet if that lake does dry out - the Musky and Bass will lose out, and the Catfish will take over! I enjoy the mix they have now. Hope the lake gets taken care of (and that ramp! word!!!)
The catfish we caught was only about 10 inches long. It was caught on a jighead with a small piece of worm dragged just above the bottom about 15-20 feet from shore.
I caught two in one night a couple of years ago, so it was less of a surprise last night than it was then.

And congrats on the muskie Andy! I took my then 10 yo daughter out there a couple of years ago and she caught two in one night. It ruined her for fishing for anything else. Last year we fished together there, and all she did was cast for muskie the whole time. I fished for perch, but got skunked. Danged if she didn't catch another muskie. Fun stuff for sure.
As far as catching the catfish close or out deep, having seen the lake yourself, I am sure you realize there is not much "out deep" left.
I agree though, I am worried about the future of this fishery as fast as the water is dropping. My understanding is that it's primary use is for agricultural irrigation, and that use trumps all others. Fishing is a side benefit, and its use by the power squadron simply an oversight that should be corrected (IMHO). I guess we have the farmers and city of Newton to thank for the lake, and for the good times we have fishing. IF it gets used up and the lake kills, we will just have to hope it can recover sooner than later. Keep your fingers crossed we don't have wait for that to happen though.
[quote CoyoteSpinner]Now now - retract the claws there bud...[/quote]I apologize if I was too forceful. I've spent the past 4 years in Benson and these farming families are some of the best people I've ever met in my life of dwelling all over this country. And I personally know the family who just lost their hay. That's a pretty big deal. A REALLY big deal...

[quote CoyoteSpinner]I had the same thought driving out to Newton and seeing a big plume of smoke from a field. Really? Now - with all this haze? [/quote]
Haha, such irony. Now, before I play devil's advocate here, I want to point out that I don't buy into the whole 'people are destroying the air quality here' furor. That being said, I love that two fisherman, driving their vehicles so that they can then operate another motor on their boat before driving back home again - are complaining about a farmer negatively affecting air quality. [Wink] ...beams and motes...
You guys are cracking me up. I do have to say that the smaller fires the farmers have right now aren't really contributing much at all to the haze caused by the larger fires from nearby states. I say that because on nice, clear days when they are burning their weeds or whatever, their smoke doesn't cause any haze.
I hear ya bro. The whole notion of slapping us with emissions testing, because of a valley's natural topography - is ludicrous. But hey - I barely ran the gas, mostly electric (so someone else's coal burning!).

Gotta say - I've met more farmers through BFT than I realized I could. And +1 - heck of a bunch of goodhearted folks.

Growing up on the S.Side of Chicago, tweren't much for farming in the city-zone. Hit camps in farm country - learned bass and gills that way (plus frogs, snakes, horses, canoes... Michigan was fun).

I was just looking at a 4-stroke, and seriously considering an "upgrade". My antique 2-banger is an environmental hazard all it's own!!!!

Sorry Gaardvark - your thread got hijacked!
Must be the terrorists!

So 4" inchers are 10" inches a year - some later. Nice.

Wonder - the flow into Newton - where's that from, who controls it, and is there more? I mean - if they stop pulling out, can it fill up some? I know like the Bear-Lake feeds are controlled, regulated. Oneida is one they've kept full, while others have dropped dropped.
[quote CoyoteSpinner]I hear ya bro. [/quote]This site has audio now? I'm not seeing that button...
[quote CoyoteSpinner]The whole notion of slapping us with emissions testing, because of a valley's natural topography - is ludicrous. [/quote]This is about political pandering. This is about people in positions of power trying to guess what will insure their constituents keep them in their seats of power. And, though I could be wrong here, I have to assume that this is one more opportunity to generate revenue - be it directly through testing, or indirectly from those testers who gleefully fail vehicles and then get to tell folks they can fix their problem(s) for several hundred dollars...
[quote CoyoteSpinner]But hey - I barely ran the gas, mostly electric (so someone else's coal burning!). [/quote]Unless you have some really cool solar setup on the boat or a windmill...
[quote CoyoteSpinner]I was just looking at a 4-stroke, and seriously considering an "upgrade". My antique 2-banger is an environmental hazard all it's own!!!! [/quote] 2 stroke has less parts to break, and I cannot BELIEVE how much a new motor costs! The day my 15hp dies is the day I have to settle for a trolling motor, because a new gas unit would cost me FAR more than my boat's worth...
[quote CoyoteSpinner]Sorry Gaardvark - your thread got hijacked! [/quote]I thought that was the whole point of an online forum!
[quote CoyoteSpinner]Wonder - the flow into Newton - where's that from, who controls it, and is there more?[/quote]I was camping up there earlier in summer and was fishing the inlet. During those couple of days I watched it stop coming in. Dunno the who, what, where - but it seemed like a natural flow that just ended on its own...
Not at all concerned about the hijacking, I can always create another thread if need be, this is more entertaining anyway.

I did go up again tonight as my son decided if the fishing was that good, Dad needed to take him too. No surprise, the lake appears to have dropped another foot since yesterday. Fishing was still good tonight, albeit a little slower than yesterday. I didn't see or hear anyone catch a muskie today, I cast for them for a while, as did my son, but when the panfish are biting and the muskies aren't, you can't convince a 9 year-old that the chance of a big fish is better than catching a truckload of dinks.
Well somebody is certainly in a combative mood today. [:p]

The water going into Newton is from Clarkston Creek. I believe that both Clarkston and Newton have shares in that water.
[quote gstott]Well somebody is certainly in a combative mood today. [:p] [/quote]
You're right. I don't know why, but I'm feeling awfully Pheisty lately. My bad.