Fishing Forum

Full Version: Recreational Fishing Alliance Releases New On-Line Newsletter
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In the first edition of the Recreational Fishing Alliance's new bi-monthly newsletter, saltwater anglers and business owners have a lot to digest.

RFA Executive Director Jim Donofrio on the November elections

Research Scientist John Depersenaire breaks down MRIP VS. MRFSS<br />
House Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA) on the "National Ocean Policy"<br />
Exclusive RFA profile on author/advocate Capt. Barry Gibson<br />
SKA Managing Director Jack Holmes on what it takes to fight for your right to fish<br />
Interactive ads put you just one click away from industry leaders protecting angler rights.<br />
Breaking legislative news, state chapter updates &amp; more!!!!

Click the cover image to the left to launch Volume 1, Issue 1 of the new RFA Making Waves electronic newsletter, or go to

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Remember, democracy is not a spectator sport - RFA is the first and only 501C4 political action organization in America founded on the specific mission "to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation's saltwater fisheries."

If an organization doesn't have "rights" and "anglers" and "fishing" in its mission statement, then it's pretty safe bet that they're not fighting for anglers' right to fish in America today!