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Full Version: 2012 BFT Deer Contest Teams and Verification
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Ok guys sign ups are over and we officially have a contest!!!!!! there is going to be 9 teams this year. that is an awesome step up from last year and hopefully it just gets bigger every year. so a big thank you to those who are going to participate.

So this is what we need to have happen now. you guys need to use this thread as the place to touch base with your team mate. we need to make sure that you didn't just sign up and your not gonna play. so just leave a simple message saying I'm here and a quick message to your team mate if you want. If we dont hear from you in a rather timely fashion i will assume you changed your mind and an alternate will be put in your place. I encourage every body in the contest to be sportsman like and respectful to other teams but on that note a little friendly trash talk has never hurt anybody right? lets make this fun and remember there is nothing involved in this contest worth getting Angry over.

With that I have other news, This year i will not originally be put on a team as we had an odd number enter and i am completely content with just officiating the event. I will however stand in as an alternate in case somebody who signed up does not check in. that way nobody is left out if someone else chickens out and doesn't step up to the challenge they excepted cause im telling you all now this is the year im putting an arrow through 200 inch 6x6 with a drop tine so consider yourselves lucky. HAHA! j/k guys. no but really im going to.



1- WahlEye and AveryAdventure

2- hooknhunter and ddahl3

3- mikkfin80 and tob04002

4- wilcam47 and iliketofish

5- SF Austin and trophyboat

6- nijimasu and dma_ayotte

7- jigs and Duck-Slayer

8- michael44 and curt69

9- cattrapr and nonxst1

Remember make sure in the next couple day you leave a message to let us all know you are still in. thanks again guys.
OK WahlEye it looks like its you and me. I'm a simple meat hunter so I hope I don't let you down. I usually shoot the first 3 legged doe I can find. And hey since you live local maybe we can even hunt together sometime. I'll PM you soon.
Tight lines and straight shooting!
Im here, this sounds like fun!!
I'm here. I'm hoping to put some jerkey in my freezer, and with a bit of luck a head on the wall..
I'm still in. I won't be hunting till thanksgiving but I should be good for a couple deer, hopefully one of them has antlers!
CJ I hope you get that big buck cause I want to see a picture!
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO its game time!!!!!! Im on board and set... Wait wait wait BUST EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote jigs]I'm here. I'm hoping to put some jerkey in my freezer, and with a bit of luck a head on the wall..[/quote]

i'm here partner.... and mostly meat for me, I will probably shoot a 2 point or a doe with the bow while Elk hunting next week....
ddahl3 is here with tags in hand. 4 days till opener. whaooo.
hooknhunter lets have some fun.
I'm here. Only have a week worth of a hunt but should be all good.
I'm here and ready to go!!! My hunts don't start for another month but I have my eyes on a couple monster bucks up in Island Park!

Chrome junky - is there a place that has the rules and point systems for the competition?

Good luck too all you guys starting your hunts in the next couple of days!
Yes look at the third sticky post down in the hunting forum.
I'm still in, should be a good time!

Weren't you on the winning team last year, too? If so, looks like you'll be on it again this year......[Wink][angelic]

I have a controlled hunt for unit 36A (or is it B?)that is for the last week of October. I'm not saying it's a great hunt, but it should be good for at least a small 4 point, I hope. I also have an x-deer in unit 16. Unit 16 has never failed to provide a buck for me, so a doe on the x-deer should be a no brainer.

Can't wait to get out there, but it's still almost 2 months away for me. Don't expect to see any points on my part of the score board until at least the middle of October and more likely the end of October or the 1st week of November.
I printed this and I'm going to put it in my hunting pack so I have it when I need it. Feel welcome to use the same one if you want. I'll put 2 version on here.

[inline "BFT 2012 logo.bmp"]
i was not part of the winning team this year but its pretty much a given this year. [:p]
I also wont be to serious after deer until the elk rut is done and over. I have an extra doe tag 63AX. I also have my general whitetail tag and i splurged and bought a Rugular deer tag at the nonresident price. Lets hope the tags and freezer get filled this year.

Also thanks for the print out. that is a great idea.
If you have 3 deer tags, it sounds like were going to be the "shoe in". [sly]. 5 deer tags between us....... ouch! (for the rest of you anyway)....[Wink]

Okay, my smack talk is done.[shocked]
yeah three deer tags hurt. but can he fill them? I've seen those river bottom deer humble some of the most seasoned whitetail veterans.
[quote chrome_junky]yeah three deer tags hurt. but can he fill them? I've seen those river bottom deer humble some of the most seasoned whitetail veterans.[/quote]

I did not fill my buck tag last year. Had my chances but did not close the deal.
The key will be to get out. MY wife is pregnant and due the middle to end of october. Lets just say i have been informed i will not be doing an "excessive" ammount of hunting till the little one comes.
I hear that. My guess is you won't be doing an excessive amount after either....... One of those bitter/sweet deals. You have to be bummed about not getting to hunt much this year, but how can you beat the sweetness of a new born baby? Congrats and hope all goes well with your wife and baby.