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So I look at the local weather stations and to try and decide if I should hit a lake with my boat. I went down to UT lake Sunday and it was windy enough I didn't launch, but the weather reports mislead me.

Am I missing a great place for information, who do you use?

In my opinion no site or meteorologist can accurately predict the weather. Ive been rained out, caught in a blizzard, and even blown across the lake when the weather reports have all stated clear and sunny skies. is the weather channel you would think with there budget they would have the latest a greatest tech. Its all organized confusion. I usually check accuweather. and just to give me an idea and prepare for the worst.
I usually look at National Weather Service salt lake city the maps comes up and you can zero in on where you are going. It is as most weather reports most accurate within 24 hours. It is also as most weather forecasts not always accurate,.
[quote fish_fear_me2]I usually look at National Weather Service salt lake city the maps comes up and you can zero in on where you are going. It is as most weather reports most accurate within 24 hours. It is also as most weather forecasts not always accurate,.[/quote]

I use this one too and it was way off last Sunday, but pretty accurate most of the time.
I heard on the local news either Thursday or Friday that we would likely see gusty winds on Saturday- Monday. Besides TV I use accuweather,, weather underground and the weather from aol. Surprisingly I find aol weather forecast seems the most accurate and weather underground the least. You don't have to pay to access aol weather. Channel 4 and 5 weather seems about as accurate as aol and better than all the other online sites but obviously they only do that on their news at specific times. I never trusted any forecast completely and always look at the radar and satellite images myself to see what's brewing. Seeing the very latest conditions you can predict precipitation yourself far more accurately than forecasts that are usually hours to a day old. With wind you'll have some idea but a lot harder to nail done on your own.
This website is good to see where the storm is coming from and how powerful its going to be.

This website is good to see what % of rain and weather. I have it on my ipod so always before a trip i see how much it rains. It helped me out with uinta trip last week but still that rain storms didnt stop me for fishing in my tube just dress really warm and your good to be rained on.
I'm good with rain, but please tell me what your secret to the lightning is [Wink]. Cause I'm far more worried about that
if its lightning i just go to car and wait if its just thunder boom sounds ***** about it im on my float tube and I dont want anything to ruin my day not even those mooing cattle that i was competing last week ha ha ha good times
Just hope you don't get the first lightning strike being the high point on the water waving your lightning rod. Several people a year are eliminated from the gene pool in the Uintas without prior warning.
Now don't get me started on those cows. The rancher pays something like 5-6 cents a day for the cow to graze and we have to pay $6 a pop along Mirror Lake Highway. My take on multi use is unless there is at least a 100 cows paying the same as me I get priority. My 50 lb border collie only needs a several seconds to move many dozens 50yards away. Better that than my pit bull or I have to take more dramatic action to safely fish waters I have the right to fish. I'm not a fan of subsidized welfare ranching on heavily used public lands in case you haven't guessed. Anyway you don't have to be as generous as me. If you have a safe way to move a hundred or more cows out of your way to fish go for it.The federal Taylor Grazing Act, passed in 1934, says, “Nothing in this Act shall be construed as in any way altering or restricting the right to hunt or fish within a grazing district in accordance with the laws of the United States or of any State, or as vesting in any permittee any right whatsoever to interfere with hunting or fishing within a grazing district.”
yep yep yep and the cattle still want a mooing competition maybe this week [laugh]
So while I agree with a lot of the comments that forecasts are simply "mathematical best guesses" I do see that they in many cases can narrow the possibilities some. That said NOAA via the NWS SLC Office has a web site that lets you click on the spot in utah you are interested in and get a current localized forecast for that area. It gives 7 days of info with the next 72 hours the most detailed and then more vague for the 4 days past that. I'm mostly looking at it for the 72 hour window as I use this to help gauge the wind as I go out on my float tube. Anyway, use it if you want or disregard if not...
I look at this sight for wind speed and other factors that could make a trip a challenge.
What you need is a upto the minuet weather site.
Try this:
[url ""][/url][/url]
It monitors the many different weather stations positioned all over the state. I use it mostly for wind speed , max speed and gusts. It has saved my afternoons at Willard many times.
It is not much help with lightning though, for that you need a doppler, KSL weather has that to.[cool]