09-01-2012, 09:00 AM
I stayed up at the river near Cottonport this weekend and had plenty of time to fish the river. Went out early in the morning on Saturday and didn&#39;t catch much. I was after crappie but ended up with only a few sunfish. I tried a bunch of docks and some brushpiles that I found on the fish finder. That night I went out with my green light to see if I would have better luck at night. <br /><br />I anchored right on the edge of the main channel (20ft deep) over what looked like a pile of brush or something on the bottom. I put my light out around 9PM and by 10PM I had attracted quite a few bait fish. I was fishing with minnows that I was pulling out of the water with a small net. A bit after 10 I started fishing. I tried depths from almost on the bottom to about 15 ft and up to 10 ft. No matter what I did, all I could catch was hybrid striped bass and one large-mouth bass. I stayed out until about 2PM, by which time I had such a large ball of bait fish that the water was boiling with them and putting in my net I would bring 20 or 30 fish without even trying. <br /><br />I thought for sure some crappie would come around looking for a quick meal but I didn&#39;t catch any emoScratch . I even tried artificial lures at the end, a 1/16 ounce and a 1/32 ounce jig with every bug, tube and worm I had. The biggest bass I got was about 3-4lbs but my cell phone battery died and it was probably too dark to take pictures anyway with the camera on that thing. Anyway, even though I didn&#39;t get the crappie I was after I had a great time floating out under the stars and managed to keep most of the biting bugs away. I had promised the family fish for lunch the next day so I made a trip to the store and caught a bunch of great salmon emoHungry.<br /><br />Crappie 6: Me 0<br /><br />Here&#39;s to next time.