Fishing Forum

Full Version: SpurHunter, Kansas pond, Bass, Bluegill, 8-25, old friend
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<br /> At about 12 or so Brant and I met and were great friends all the way through high school until he took off for college a couple years after. We have stayed in touch but only saw each other VERY occasionally, the last time being Aug of 2011. He turned 40 on Sunday, so his wife and I got in cahoots and made a plan to surprise him. I flew out and showed up at a restaurant they were eating at for lunch on Friday. He was stunned to say the least, although it may have been the gray hair I now sport. LOL <br /> <br /> He finally settled down and got married and has two kids of his own, 5, 6 and three step kids. I was thrilled to see they frequent the local neighborhood pond to fish and jumped at the chance to have a little competition with the kids. Of course, Jimmy and I won the overall fish count outfishing Brant and Peyton, big surprise, I think NOT! <br /> <br /> There is nothing like a little bobber and worm fishing with young kids to take you back, in fact, Im not sure who had more fun, us or the kids. <br />