I currently use AnglerHaus scissors for fly tying.The scissors do not hold an edge for very long. I do cut deer hair but not wire with the scissors. Dr. Slick has two kinds of scissors - with one of the scissors being made of tungsten carbide. All opinions are welcome about Dr. Slick or any other type of scissors which will maintain its sharpness.
I have always used Dr Slick. But I use double edge razors for hair. Okay to cut wire is you use right at the joint, but I usually wiggle the wire till it breaks off.
I have been using the same scissors now for three years. Not as sharp as day one but sharp enough.
I use Revlon... Yep Revlon the makeup maker [
]. Seen the scissors on the .99 cent table at the dollar store figured if there crap they were .99 cents [
Been a year now there sharp and when they dull Ill go spend another .99 cents [angelic]
all of my flytying employees were GAGA for the Dr slick tungsten carbide and they tied a lot(commercial). I have stayed with standard Dr. Slicks and found them to be just fine even for doing a lot of spun hair.
I'm a scissor nutjob-snob-collector, so take this FWIW. I have probably 30 pairs of scissors...and have tried most of what's on the market.
Best overall scissors: Dr. Slick Razor Scissors. Hands down. If you only get one pair, these are the ones to get. IMO, much better than the tungsten carbide in terms of cutting smoothness and being able to cut close to the hook. Before I tried the Razor's, I tied with the Tungsten for a while. I know several good tiers that have switched from the Tungsten to the Razor's.
I also have scissors for cutting some synthetics (which can dull your good scissors), hair (curved or serrated) and wire. You can't reasonably expect one pair to cut equally well for all materials and situations.
I use the Dr Slick 3 1/2 in. Arrow Micro Tips for all of my fine work and trimming. Razor blades for hair and cutting "working" peices of synthetics and foam. 5+ years on the Slicks, still sharp.
Remember, as my mentor often says, "Don't cut hooks with 'em!" Meaning, cut carefully and don't touch the hooks with the blades.
Dr. Slick 100%! I go generic on all the other tools except the scissors...