09-07-2012, 11:10 AM
The recreational black sea bass harvest season in Atlantic federal waters will close Sept. 4. For vessels with a valid federal charter vessel/headboat permit, this closure applies in state and federal waters. The recreational harvest of black sea bass is open year-round in Atlantic state waters (shore to three nautical miles).
On July 1, 2012, the recreational minimum size limit in Atlantic federal waters was increased from 12 inches total length to 13 inches total length.
The recreational size limit in Atlantic state waters remains at 12 inches. The recreational bag limit is five in federal Atlantic waters and 15 in Atlantic state waters.
The FWC will consider consistency with the federal recreational size and bag limits, as well as federal commercial black sea bass regulations, for Atlantic state waters at the Sept. 5-6 Commission meeting in Tampa.
Links for more information:
NOAA Southeast Fishery Bulletin [sero.nmfs.noaa.gov]
Black Sea Bass Information [MyFWC.com]
FWC Commission Meetings [MyFWC.com]
On July 1, 2012, the recreational minimum size limit in Atlantic federal waters was increased from 12 inches total length to 13 inches total length.
The recreational size limit in Atlantic state waters remains at 12 inches. The recreational bag limit is five in federal Atlantic waters and 15 in Atlantic state waters.
The FWC will consider consistency with the federal recreational size and bag limits, as well as federal commercial black sea bass regulations, for Atlantic state waters at the Sept. 5-6 Commission meeting in Tampa.
Links for more information:
NOAA Southeast Fishery Bulletin [sero.nmfs.noaa.gov]
Black Sea Bass Information [MyFWC.com]
FWC Commission Meetings [MyFWC.com]