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Had a wee window after work Friday, and after a purdy hectic-busy week I needed some stress relief. Comes in the form of casts and tugs. Only had a couple hours to play, so did what I could with it.
Sorry if these posts are getting repetitive, or boring for some ya'll. And Jeff - I apologize - don't mean to rub it in...

[inline Smallie.jpg]

[inline Largie.jpg]

Managed a few bass, missed a bunch of bumps. Third cast brought a smallie, and a largie, then a real toad took a spin(ner). Tried turning attentions to Crappie, and had a nice hookup - got a good look at the shiny silver, before it flipped loose and booked off. Missed a bunch of swipes - some dates just aren't ready for a commitment.

Loads of Golden Tarpon wallowing around - just too tempting to bop 'em on the head with a fat jig!
Had a boat blast past joyriding the river. Hmmm - river's 50ft across tops - so does that make it a "wakeless" zone? Sure stirs the mud! River level seemed up a good foot or so.

This one may have only measured up at 15 inches, but it was phat, and strong. Brick on the line!
[inline Toad.jpg]

In the morning I'm taking a bud from work and his boy fishing. He's not an angler, but his boy wants to fish, so I'm hoping I can show them a few good tugs.

[center]Watch out Kitties - Here we come!
Good report I love the way those smallies can fight great action.
You're really getting into some nice smallies there. I'm impressed.
Nice small mouths and a LMB.
Where and how long you gonna go catfishing? (if you don't mind me asking).
Have you done the taste test between the two bass?
Yeah - just don't call them "small" to their face, I don't think they realize their size, so they fight like crazy!

GS: nothing like YOUR grand adventures up north. I still need to put some more time in beyond the border, and see how much pain I can put on my hands! Just questioning if I should bother to bring the boat, or just haul out the waders.

OF: I haven't yet kept track. When I do keep fish - I usually do separate them by species, but the bass tend to get lumped into a shared bag. I should make the comparison,just for the heck of it.

I love it - my daughter was asking for fish last night. Had smoked a salmon the day before, so she got some of that.

Today's outing did get us into some fish. Nothing too bully, but I was pleased we were able to get my friends kid into a few hookups. He seemed genuinely thrilled to connect with a small Green Sunfish, so I set him up with a rig, and he got a bunch more. I had landed a half dozen before I told him - "here - try this". Tickled my bones to hear him holler out "Dad - I got one!"

Then we moved around a bit, and I found a couple bobber dives, and some footling cookies to play. So he joined the party, and connected with some kats himself. We dropped the bobbers, and pitched some spinners, and - bass on board!
Wasn't as active as I've run into in that location a couple months ago, but at least we got into some tugs, and managed to connect with a few different varieties.
Hey Yote I seen ya over there as I was headed to work on the tractor but you were gone and someone else was there when I left. Other guys there all day today so I can't believe you can keep catching so many every trip with the pressure that spot is getting lately. Nice job J
You're too kind [blush] I agree though, you should fish more up north. I need to give the green guys a break and fish for their brown brethren sometime soon. I just keep waiting for the flows to come down so I can fish my favorite smallmouth stretch of The Bear.
I'm always looking over my shoulder wondering if it's someone I know passing by. Bumped into numbers of other anglers there, and seems you get a differential - few like me that'll focus on pitching, while others are dunking bottom baits.

But you know me- I'm just a master angler with the magic touch! (and if there's a bigger joke to be had this year, bring it!!!! [crazy])

Thing I figure is there's gotta be spots up and down that river that share the qualities - flow, connection to backwater, holding of minnows - just - I can park there, rather than boat there. Plus - for me - it's a quick jaunt from work.

Downstream - around the bend- there was a sweet spot - had a submerged fridge, big logs, signs of life for sure. Connects into some of your Muddy Water sloughs - that looked real promising. Just limited time on our floatilla adventure. But the carp were sure loving it!

Just with I had more confidence in my motor, so I could run up-n-down that river more!
Yup I sure need to finish my toon mods so I could put that motor on so I could get back up stream or to my launch point and I'd use it a lot more for the quick river trips. But I don't seem to get that done either. Maybe one night after work I can run over to that spot and give it a try and see if I can break my home town skunk streak. I'm afraid even that spot won't help me, but I like having hope anyway. You are sure catching a lot more than I figured one spot would hold. I guess it is the right combination of elements there that make for a minnow gauntlet as they pass into the main channel. I keep trying to think of other spots like that and most don't share the narrow focus point like that one but I wonder if I could find a similar spot to try when that one is full. Well it's good you have figured them out. I hope one day I will but I know I need to wet a line to make that happen and that doesn't happen enough lately but hopefully in a couple weeks. Later J