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Full Version: I got a big sturgeon in the pontoon.
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Well Saturday started out kind of slow. I headed for the sturgeon hole early but had to wait for the sun to come up enough to see how to negotiate the rocks. I headed up the creek channel and I see trouble.

[Image: treeintheway1.png]
[Image: treeintheway2.png]
[Image: treeintheway3.png]

Well the current was strong enough and the channel was narrow. I was worried that I was going to be in a tight spot. Well I got through and made my way to the hole.
I got there and met up with my friend Joe. He had already caught a couple of fish before I got there. I started to rig up when we saw we had company. They were fishing from the bank so I was going to have to change my strategy for fishing because they were in my sweet spot.

After a little bit someone yells "hey Ron" I had no idea who it could be. Well it was our own Sturgeon Guru The Bug. We had been trying to get together for a fishing trip for a couple years. I made my way over to BS for a bit. We talked for a while and at the same time he caught a fish and we tangled lines. Bug and his dad were putting on a "how to catch sturgeon clinic for us. They caught a bunch of fish. Anyway I took a trout rod along with my Sturgeon rod. All the fish I have been catching have been small so I figured why not spice it up.

My first one was a small fish between 3 and 4 foot.

[Image: littlesturgeon2.png]
[Image: littlesturgeon1.png]

He was fun but didn't fight long on the heavy rod. The next one I got was the same size but I got that one on the trout rod. It was fun but it didn't jump or last long. Well after noon Bug and his dad pulled out and some kids showed up.

At first I thought they were just fishing but they were also there to cliff dive. I took off when they started to do that. I didn't want to be there when one hit a rock.

I headed for another hole and fished it for a couple hours, no luck. Then I decided to hit one last place before I called it a day.
I got to the spot and threw out a line. I knew that one 4 foot fish lived there. So I cast out the mort on the trout rod. BAM, I got a hit almost instantly. I tried it again and I was hooked up. I thought cool I got a little bigger fish to test the trout rod on. Then it jumps.

[Image: 9-8-12AA.jpg]

I knew I had a much better fish than the 4 footer I was thinking was there. I had a big fish.

[Image: 9-8-12a.jpg]

I didn't know if I was going to be able to handle this big of a fish with a trout rod I just had to hold on. He started to drag me down river right off the bat. He was also spinning the boat like crazy. He never got a ton of line stripped out. I have maybe 40 foot of line at the most out and probably less than 20 foot for an average. After jumping a few times more he started to try to stay under the boat. That had me worried because he might land on me. Well he got way to close for comfort.
In this picture look under the reel. That is the fishes head out of the water coming at me.

[Image: toocloseforcomfot.png]

I had another Jump that caused me to wonder the sanity of it all. That one he almost landed on me and went under the boat.

[Image: 9-8-12b.jpg]

He jumped a total of 7 times on the video.
He drug me 400 yards down river to a shallow spot. And after one failed attempt to land I finally got him to roll over and I got it landed. I don't know the measured length. I laid the rod on his belly and it went from his nose to his bung hole. That rod is 6 foot 6 inches long. I was worn out after that one. I got the fight on video. Wow was it fun. here is the video. Ron
That almost brought a brad new meaning to combat fishing right there.

Great job on a great fish.
There were a couple of pretty close calls with this one. Ron
Way to hang in there Ron. Awesome catch. Be safe!