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Here we have it you Mad-Catters. Final results are in for the first (annual?) Utah Catfishing Challenge.
First let me thank each and every one of you - those that showed interest, entered the contest, made entries - and to those that have enjoyed your cattin- independent of the contest.

I've had a great time watching and tracking the entries coming in. Ya'll inspire! Some fine whiskers have shown their faces round these parts, and I'm proud of each of you.
Had a chance to get a young angler onto his first channel cat yesterday, and to see that Smile, and the holler to dad "look I got one" - I think the boy's hooked, and will warn you to watch out for him next year!

Not to rub salt in your fillets, but looks like the North ran away with it. Both total entries, and by the contest rules - the top 5 is in. Further congrats to each of the monthly winners, and everyone that landed a cat over 30"s. Nicely done - gotta have good drag control, eh?! (and a big net!)

Here's the Excel Table of the results, and a couple charts with your grand totals. Again - thanks to everyone who participated, and a special shout out to those new BFT members that joined because of the contest. That's a win right there!

Hearty congrats to
Danielc for the first month's top award, and
Wormsinker for the second month's top award,
and an extra large golf clap for
UTCatman for the final grand prize winning entries.

I welcome input on the contest, results, timeframe - and suggestions for next year, assuming we go for it again.

[inline "Catfishing Results Table.jpg"]

[inline "Catfish Contest Finals Chart1.jpg"]
Well, how about that, after all that smack talking from the South guys, they come up short. I guess there just isn't as many big cats as those guys thought in Utah lake[Wink] or those southern boys just don't know how to catch em[angelic].
Good job John, you ran a great contest. What are your thoughts on the dates for next years contest?
Well done, my northern friends. I had tons of fun tangling with Mr. Whiskers this summer. Maybe next year we could start the contest a little earlier? I wouldn't mind being able to post some of my sumo spring cats next year.
What month do you think would be a good starting date?
[cool][#0000ff]Some of the biggest cats come out of Utah Lake not too long after ice out. I always catch some of my biggest of the year in April...but even into March on mild springs.[/#0000ff]
Very well done and a lot of fun. Gotta tip my stinky and stained hat to the North boys -- you guys kicked butt.

Great job Coyote and let's do it again! I still say there is a 35 incher in Utah Lake and I plan to produce him next year[Wink] I'm still after 'em so I'll probably hook in to my "winner" now that the contest is over.

Again, congrats to all and a big thanks to Coyote.
Well I really was hoping to see a 33+ fish come of this. But I am sure most people were chasing other species. I am certain that there is a true 3 footer (if not several) lurking around somewhere in Ut Lake. Never got into any decent catfish this year although my efforts were half hearted at best. Good job to the north hope to do it again next year.
[quote FattyGreens]Well I really was hoping to see a 33+ fish come of this. But I am sure most people were chasing other species. I am certain that there is a true 3 footer (if not several) lurking around somewhere in Ut Lake. Never got into any decent catfish this year although my efforts were half hearted at best. Good job to the north hope to do it again next year.[/quote]

Yes there is.
I think we should all give a special thanks to coyote spinner and any body else that might of helped put this thing together.

Thanks alot man, it was a lot of fun and really hope to do it next year. [Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile]
[quote wormsinker]I think we should all give a special thanks to coyote spinner and any body else that might of helped put this thing together.

Thanks alot man, it was a lot of fun and really hope to do it next year. [Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile][/quote]


Also, what the crap, South?! Only five of us on the list? Weak.
I tried my best.

It's only my second year of fishing for catfish, weather was to hot, the eclipse got in the way, moon was in the wrong phase, water was to low, water was to cold, water was to hot, bait was to fresh, bait was to old.

I can come up with enough reasons to make me feel better. But all kidding aside those northern boys know their catfish.

Had a great time with the contest and hope to get in on the action again next year.

Thanks Coyotespinner.

The thing that kills me is that some of the people that talked the most smack for the south didn't even join the contest. Nothing like putting your money where you mouth is.

On the next contest itwould be nice to see it start a little sooner say around the first of May and maybe run into October? See how the contest goes once we can cover the entire season? Just a couple of thoughts.

Thanks for the kind words folks. Had a great time doing it, and was my honor to track the entries and results. Just wish I coulda caught a few more bigguns while the contest was on. Next time I'm crackin that 30 inch mark man!

Not sure about running a 6 month contest, but I would like to start earlier for sure. Someone show us some big fall cats, and we'll see how far we want it to run.

I've awarded some prizes already, and will be getting the rest out this weekend. (sorry work's been a bit crazy lately)
Basically the winning team get's their entry fee back (as long as you had at least one entry), plus a bit, and a lump for the overall winner. Plus I've got a few trinkets to share. Sorry - not a load of prizes to be had. Maybe with more planning next year we can see about picking up a few more prizes to offer up.

Thanks again to all the participants and the hard work that YOU folks put in! A labor of love, no doubt!