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My brother and I have been to Canada pike fishing a couple times with our dad. So I had been talking a lot of stuff about how hot and great Yuba is right now. I personally had only been to Yuba once this summer, but it delivered some decent Pike. We drove down from Salt Lake on Saturday and began fishing. We tried the previous lucky spot and after 3 hours we had nothing. So we moved to another spot on the lake for a couple more hours and were still left wondering if there were really any fish left in the reservoir.

We decided to head back to the spot where we started the day. After an hour, I had caught two 18 - 20 inch pike. Around 6:30pm my brother said lets give it another half an hour and then head home. I said ok. I then decided to go big or go home. I mean I was going home anyway right, what do I have to lose? I picked up a new heavy duty poll that I had just bought, because I was unable to cast the lure I was about to throw on a normal dinky pole. I had talked all kind of smack and told my brother that anything under 30 inches would not hit this lure.

That's when it began, I began throwing a 3oz. spinnerbait, that had a trailer hook. After 20 minutes my shoulder seemed to tire already, from the heavy pole and weight of the lure. I was wading out in the water about knee deep. I focused in on a structure and spot where I "felt" that a fish may be. I cast out and began to real in and that is when it happened. What happened? One of the single greatest adrenaline filled moments of my life. I felt a solid smack, and I set the hook!!! BAM, I was in for a ride. I told my brother I had something and at first he just laughed because he thought that there was no way that I could get something on that lure.

Once he realized I was serious he came running with the net. I battled the beast, trying to get a glimpse of what I may have. When we did finally get a glimpse of it, it took our breath away and we shouted "WOW"! My brother, now in the water with me, yelled for me to bring the fish to him to be netted. I said, "I'm trying but it's headed the other direction." Finally, I was able to bring it into the net for him and as he netted it, it seemed heavy so I grabbed the circle of the net to help him out. At that instant the fish spit the lure out and it flew up past my face, almost taking off my hat. We finally captured the beast and I began to shout and scream like a little girl. I remember saying, "this is the best day of my life!"

I had just returned from Disneyland a few weeks earlier, my adrenaline was racing far more than any ride I had been on. I had thought about releasing the fish, but I decided to keep the fish and eat it. I read from the DWR that harvesting this bigger fish will help the little guys out anyways. We decided to leave after that, since I did not want to put the fish in the water on a stringer at the risk of losing it. I tried gathering my stuff to leave, but it seemed that it took forever; since my adrenaline was rushing and I could hardly remember what I was doing. As we left I thought I saw one of the tyedye twins drive bye. I tried to waive at them to introduce myself, but they did not see us. It was a day that will never be forgotten!!!
P.S. It was 38 inches and about 15 pounds.
Very nice fish.

Yes that was me down there. Did you see me in the Subaru station wagon?

Saturday sucked for me but sunday was better. Congrats on the biggie.
Thanks guys. Ya I think it was a Subaru. I think it was the hair that gave you away, lol. When do the fish go so deep that it shut offs from shore at Yuba? I am just thinking about trying again before it gets too cold.
Way to go dude that is a nice fish .[Wink]
Thanks Ocean, I have to give you all the credit. It was the "secret spot" that you told me about at the beginning of the summer. Not really a secret, but it delivered for sure. I am not sure if you remember but I saw you there a few months ago, that time I was fishing there with my wife. Well thanks again for the advice buddy, it's just as much your fish as it was mine.
No problem dude but you did work that fish in so pat yourself in the back. Pike fishing gets addicting doesnt ? Catch a few small ones then bam a monster!
That is an awesome fish!
I'm addicted for sure. Can't stop thinking about the catch and the possibility of going back!