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This is a good reminder to wear footwear when recreating on a dock - especially kids who are running around. He is an adult and old enough to know better. I told him to go back and collect some more kindling.

[Image: Dereks_toe.jpg]
Good visual lesson for us all. OUCH!!
Thats a good one,that'll teach him

Were you able to get it out okay?![crazy]
Heres one playing with machete
Machetes are for work,hunting,self defense
Not for PLAY
My brother said don't cut yourself,JINKS!

[Image: default.jpg?v=50195e2c][#0066cc]0:31[/#0066cc]
[url ""]2 coconuts at once[/url]
[center]C R I N G E
spooky music ensues . . . .

Any consolation - coulda been worse. At least it didn't have a barb. AND is wasn't in his eye (nasty photo withheld....)

I ALWAYS worry for kids (etc) that are swimming wading in the same areas where anglers are "working". I was pretty amazed diving for 'dads in Montana at a lake's "swimming area" - the masses of line, hooks, rigs etc I found snagged up on logs - pretty amazing. And it was a roped/buoyed swim area.
As Dr Phil would say "What were you thinking" and the kid with a hook sunk in a toe "How's that work for ya?"


Ok - 1 - 2 - 3 - Yank! Then bring on the iodine, and peroxide! (and a leather strap to chew on!)
Oh, the horror stories this Texas Transplant could tell y'all about mesquite thorns ...
Reminds me of a scouting fundraiser, a hole in one tournament held on a lake. Scout master drove the boat and I netted the balls. As he pulled up to the beach I jumped of the bow into maybe 2' - 3' of water. Right onto the pointiest rock known to mankind. Yes, I was wearing sneakers ( converse showing my age ) it went right thorugh the sole and halfway through my foot . As I hobbled up the beach leaving a blood trail I yanked off the sneaker and stuck my thumb in the hole like a good scout [crazy]
Two scoutmasters carried me to their car and drove me to the ER which was about 4 blocks away.Ended up with about 16 stiches inside and out ( after muttering a few hundred curses ). Scout masters joked about what merit badge to give me , one for first aid or coming up with some creative curses.
Oh, Eric, looking at that makes me hurt. Is that someone I know?
HH - I don't think you've met him - he is my second oldest. It does look painful but he claims it didn't hurt that much.

Chris - he got it cut out at a doc in the box so it would get cleaned out. Fortunately, he has a good job and could afford to pay for it.

Paul - talk about a scary wound. Could not agree more about machetes.

Spinner - it kills me to see kids playing in the water without shoes on, even in the "swimming areas". And how much broken glass have you picked up along the banks?

Tex - the closest I've come is Russian Olive thorns from hunting ducks along the Snake and they hurt like a #$!%$%^. I've heard horror stories about mesquite thorns but the closest I've come is watching Deets cut one out of Jake in Lonesome Dove.

Divin - look at the bright side....those scouts will be telling that story to future scouts and I'm sure it will get better. It sounds like those Chuck Taylors protected your feet about as much as they kept me from spraining my ankles.

I agree with you folks about the dangers of old tackle and hope everybody has a safe remainder of the fishing season.
Ever heard of a plant the grows in SE Alaska called Devil's Club? Don't know how it compares to Mesquite, but I know you don't want to get into it. The thorns are small, but they really fester something fierce (speaking from experience, of course).

Ever sat on a prickly pear cactus? That's no fun either.
I was going to mention devil's club. The thorns are toxic, so after about 48 hours you have a nice blister, and you have to dig the torns out of it. It grows everywhere too!

Ironically the roots mashed up make a good topical numbing agent. So I guess that is good?