09-12-2012, 09:00 AM
Seeing as how my last two early trips to River were met with NO CURRENT, I decided that I would try a more leisurely approach and not get up at 5 AM. I arrive at the ramp about 9:30, well rested and rar&#39;in to go. There was a ton of large bait swirling around at the ramp, so I thought this should be an easy morning to catch bait. But, by the time I got the boat in, parked the trailer and got in the boat, the current had increased and all the bait had moved out. emoBang Must remember when you see bait, grab the net and catch some.<br /><br />So I ran up to the dam and made a few throws at the turbine tunnels and managed a nice bunch of bait, with the avg size a little smaller than I like, but ok. First drift, get a good take on what acts like a good smallie. Finally move the boat out of the current and get the fish to the net. Very nice 21&quot; Smallmouth, nice bronze markings. Great start, this late morning stuff is great. Why have I been getting up so early. Well, you know what is coming, went downhill from there, lol. Next 3 fish were 2 channel cats and a small blue cat.<br /><br />Got tired of the cats, so pulled out the foley spoon and caught a few really nice White Bass. Saw CFF member &quot;onfish&quot; at the rockpile and he was catching some too on a foley spoon. Spur is making a killing selling these to all the Cff members, lol. The do catch fish though.<br /><br />Managed a couple smallish LM and another small Smallmouth. I may have the pictures mixed up so don&#39;t hold me to it. <br /><br />Decided to pack it in about 2:00, Current was in the20k range I guess with 2 turbines running. water temp about 81.<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br />