[cool][#0000ff]On my way to the RAC meeting in Springville last night I thought I would stop by Lindon to check water levels and fishing activity. Took the 275 off ramp (Pleasant Grove Rd.) to sneak in the back way. NOPE. Road closed between the Prospect Rd. overpass and the waste transfer station. Went back and over to Geneva Rd. Took that to the 200 N. road down to Vineyard Rd....at the waste transfer station. By the way...the 1600 N. offramp from I-15 is closed for a few weeks. So you have to go up to 800 N. and then west to Geneva Rd.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Parked on Vineyard Rd at the entrance going down to the bubbleup. WOW. The water is really low. The pipe is out of the water out to about the 3rd buoy. See pic. And a couple of the buoys are missing. I could see one near shore about halfway to Lindon to the north.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Saw one boat out fishing the shallow flats just south of the bubbleup. Nobody fishing inside Lindon Harbor. Either bad fishing or poor access has shut down the activity.[/#0000ff]
Water in Lindon is at 2' or less..
So, during the FLW Collegiate Toury, on Wednesday during pre-fish, they were pulling water out the river outlet, but on Thursday and Friday, it was shut down, so they must be running the pumps at full bore !! There was at least 3-3.5 feet in Lindon Harbor during the event, so if it is down to 2ft, they have been pulling a lot of water for the end of the irrigation season !! Bummer !!!
I think for whatever reason they have opened and closed the gates a few times in the past few weeks. There is still a lot of work going on at the pumphouse so Im not sure if all pumps are running or not. But the water has dropped in the last 10 days.
good looking out bro!
Yeah, it's a joke out there right now. I work in the middle of all that and our freight pickups go through all sorts of mess to get to us on time everyday.
The drivers call it "the island". This is the third time they've bottle-necked that area since the construction began.
But the creeks in the area have been fishing really well. The whites are so aggressive that they'll hit a bare hook and fight over it right now.
Good post, TD. Being there everyday, I probably should've warned everyone a couple of days ago.[blush]
Geneva to 200 S (Lindon - 2000 N Orem) and you're set. PG BLVD exit or 800 N are the options.
[cool][#0000ff]Seems like the "engineers" stay awake at nights trying to figure out more diabolical ways to mess up traffic...and fishermen. I couldn't believe that there was only one route into such a busy business and industrial area. With the tough access back onto Geneva Rd. even during "normal" conditions it really creates a bottleneck of frustrated drivers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For those trying to access Lindon Harbor there is also the option of getting onto Vineyard Rd. from Geneva Rd...further south. But unless you know where the turnoff is you can get lost.[/#0000ff]
Last time I was at AF harbor I considered driving over to Lindon just for a peek. Sound like whatever excuse I made up for not doing it was a good one.
During the 1-15 rebuild prior to the 2002 olympics udot purchased all those cones and barrel baracades, and they don't have the warehouse space to store them. So the make projects on every route they can and move the barrels from place to place to store them, Problem solved.
[cool][#0000ff]Egg Zachary!!!! [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have subscribed to that same theory for many years. It seems especially true when you see long lines of orange cones...reducing wide roads to mere treacherous paths...with absolutely no evidence of any real work being done on or near the road.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Can't count the number of times I have seen such situations and made the remark "Ahhh...another cone storage site."[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]BEWARE THE CONE ZONES.[/#0000ff]
We were joking around at work today, calling out mascot names for a Utah NFL team:
The Orange Barrels.
It's perfect.[cool]
Bingo Bango Bongo! Nailed IT! Job security. I wanna be one of the guys leaning on the shovel "waiting" for the next duty....
The run from Brigham to SLC/Ogden seems in a perpetual "construction" "destruction" mode. Sorry - when does the project END? Oh - when the next one starts.
Ironic - in California - the world of freeways - they HAVE to limit repairs, "improvemenst" cuz SO much traffic has to keep flowing. Yeah - you pay for it with potholes, bumpy roads, etc. But my word!
When they say there's three seasons in Utah - they gotta set out to prove it. Construction, Construction, Construction and Winter.
In my decade in Smithfield - can't say HOW many times I saw that hwy "redone". And what's the VERY first thing that's done after the latest resurfacing? They come dig up a trench to run a pipe. Um, timing is KEY!
I'd like to see who laid out THAT Timeline and Project Plan!
[cool][#0000ff]Sounds good to me.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Reminds me back in the days of the major reconstruction for the olympics in Salt Lake City area. We suggested that UDOT's motto be "You can't get there from here...or here from anywhere."[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the heads up TD.
All this reminds me of the experiments with the mouse, going through a maze to get the cheese at the end. Someone is doing and experiment on Tubedude to see if he can still make it to one of his favorite fishing holes. [
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, I like cheese...to go with my smoked catfish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Think I might "tackle" the maze this morning.[/#0000ff]