Anyone been bothering the cats down there lately?
I have a few days off next week and was thinking of heading down that way, I heard the water is very low this year so got to wondering if the kitties are still playful down there or not.
Thanks & goon fishing Ken
I have been wondering about this too as I just started a job that will have me driving out to Grand Junction (thus, over the Green River) about once a month. I'd love to break up the drive with some fishing stops. I stopped at schofield last week on my. way home just in time for the algae bloom that turned the bite off. If you know any good spots on the green just off I 70 I'd be deeply grateful for your insight!
Well if I find anything good I will let you know,
How low did it look to you? that is of course if you have seen it in a normal year?
Let me know what you are driving so I can get an idea of where you can go.
Take care and instead of "goon fishing" I will say good fishing !
I grew up in Green River and the water is probably the lowest I have ever seen it. The lower it gets, the less the cats seem to bite. I thought that was a little weird. There are plenty of good holes along Hastings Road heading to Swasey's Beach. The road runs along the river 20 miles or so before coming to a dead end. I have had the best luck fishing the holes between Swasey's and the end of the road at Nefertiti. I hope this helps and if you need more info just let me know.
As boss said, it is very low. I'm still up for trying some of those holes though. what better way to break up the day then sitting on a riverbank in beautiful so. Utah with the potential to catch some fish?[reply][reply][/reply][/reply]
Thanks for the info BossHawg,
I was hoping that the cats would congregate in the pools and be hungry,
sounds like that is not the case, I forgot about melon days this weekend, so I will put off a trip down to the river for a couple of days and go explore starvation res. this weekend instead.
Thanks again Ken