09-14-2012, 09:00 AM
Candi and I got in another 1/2 day of crappie fishing today. Ran upriver to fish the creek for a while and did really good on a new dock up there. The old standby dock has apparently been fished out as there were only 3 fish under that dock. On the new dock that I tried a month ago, we landed 19 fish, mostly smaller versions. A little bigger than kindergarten, but not high school size either. emoBig
<br /><br />Then we moved to a different place in the creek to fish docks and blowdowns and nothing came on the docks, but there is a new blowdown that yielded 4 crappie for us. That gave us 26 crappie in the creek, so we hit the river for the rest of the day to fish docks and deep water stumps.<br /><br />We landed 50 fish in the river, maybe 1/2 of them were keeper sized, but we released all fish today. Candi did catch a yellow bass, 1 small bluegill, and 1 white bass in the river. That made our day. 76 crappie and 3 others.<br /><br />We fished with Bobby Garland plastics and nearly every color worked. I caught a lot on Electric Chicken and Ghastly minnow slab slayers. We caught the fish in brush on Double Silver rainbow 2&quot; shads with a tail light fished weedless on 1/16 oz jigs. The fish were mostly 15 to 18 feet deep today. Some were aggressive and some were just on the line without any indication of a strike. We would just speed up to make another cast and the fish would be on. On one occasion, I made a cast under a dock just as Candi caught a fish and was having trouble getting the jig out of its mouth as it was very deep. I laid my rod down to help get the jig out. I released it and when I picked up my rod, a crappie had just about swallowed the plastic jig. I just cut the line as he had the jig down in his gullet. If anyone catches that fish (it has about 1 inch of Hi-Vis Mr Crappie line hanging out of its mouth), it is mine. emoBig
emoGeezer <br /><br />Beautiful day as we started off with a slight north wind and water temps were 78.6 to 79 in the creek. By the time we quit in the river, the water temp has risen to 80.3 and the wind had shifted to blow slightly out of the south. Candi and I had 3 doubles in a row 2 different times today. I caught 5 in a row at one point before missing one and then caught a couple more in a row. When I made my Shaw Grisby cast (just one more) I caught the 75th crappie, and according to boat rules, I had to make another cast. Number 76 came aboard on that cast, so I had to make one more. Finally got it back in without a fish and good thing as Candi had an appointment and we were pushing the time limit. We raced back to Tyner lane ramp and got her back in time for her hair appointment. <br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Candi. As always, you are a joy to fish with. Never complain about how I run the boat and always willing to give me Electric Chicken lures. emoBig
Bent Rod had better get ready. We are going to Tims Ford to fish with Rick in a few days. Hopefully, you will get your TARP Black Nose crappie over there. You are going to be impressed with the size of those fish over there. emoBig