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Full Version: Lindon Mythbusters 9-14-12
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[cool][#0000ff]Did a driveby at Lindon on Tuesday and posted a semi report. Had two interesting inputs since then. One was that there was only two feet of water in Lindon Harbor. The second was that they are getting BIG white bass (2# plus) at the bubbleup. Took care of both those falsehoods.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After wending my way through the cone maze (not corn maze) I launched about 6:30 at the Lindon Ramp. Air temp 55 and water temp 66. Was pleased to find that depth held at about 4.5 feet all the way to the mouth of the channel...where it briefly dropped to about 3.5 feet. Still plenty of depth for most boats.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Still lots of baby white bass around the shore and on the surface at daybreak. Harvested a few for bait before blasting off. Also caught my biggest white bass of the day...about a 12 less than 2 feet of water right on the ramp.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fired up the "big motor" (40# thrust electric) and powered my way toward the bubbleup. Just before I got there I was targeted by a big brown "floating t___". Turned out to be GEEZER and his fishing buddy. We both worked the outside buoy area of the bubbleup without success and GEEZER took off for another venue to try to find some fish for his buddy...who had not been fishing for a long time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There was already a tin boat with a couple of GOBs (good ol' boys) anchored right on top of the spot I have been doing best. They saw me on one of my last trips and have laid claim to my spot. Pirates.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]So...I started working up and down the buoy line to try to find some more fish. Those guys were catching a few but they were all small anyway. No need to be jealous of that action. I picked up some strays here and there but they were mostly small too...either 4" or 7". Darn few bigger ones. I did get a few 10 to 11 inchers but did not ever keep any. Too small and skinny for the fillet knife. They have not been eating well.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Friday being the new Saturday I had lots of help. Everytime I picked up a fish I was joined by one or two newly arriving boats. Talk about fishing etiquette. Utah Lake rules seem to require that you have to cast across someone's line to announce your intentions of taking their spot.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It became impossible to fish my usual search and finesse style for the bubbleup. With boats running back and forth over the pipe and snagging up a lot the fish were outta there. All except for the GOBs in the little tin boat. They were on a school of dinks and were harvesting plenty. Good on 'em.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At one point I decided to try to drag a baby white bass on one line to see if there were any hungry kitties or walleyes. No good. My bait line was snagged twice by other guys within minutes. And I was chastised for taking too much room. "You don't own the whole lake you know?"[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Beautiful day but lousy fishing conditions. I had enough real fast. Headed back to see if there might be some more fish inside the harbor. Nope. Not another bite. And the water was starting to get green and ugly. The annual algae soup is beginning to simmer.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, the depth at the end of the buoy line is still 6 feet. And that is where I found some of my bigger fish. But most of the fish seemed to prefer about 4 feet of water right next to the shallow pipe between the 3rd and 4th bouy out from shore.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also, I caught more fish by retrieving just off the bottom rather than by dragging it deeper. And if I reeled to close to the surface all I got was ultra tiny whities.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the report! Thinking of possibly going to the Knolls tomorrow to try and chase some kitties.
[Smile]hey well nice its good you got into some good sized whities,
but i cant tell you how annoying it can be when people are fishing to close and almost to the point where there lures are landing right next to you. i had some guys when i was at the hotsprings when the lake was frozen and we were casting in an area about 20 cubic yards which is plenty of room for me and my buds but this guy came and and casted horizontily across me and my two friends lines that we were fishing with slip bobbers, caught all 3 of us and what a mess that was, so i feel for ya and its a pain that people have no respect and poach peoples holes[mad]. ohwell atleast you got out and thats what matters. thanks for the report.
You should have hit lincoln Beach, It was so lonely I was thinking I skipped my shower for a week. Water is way down, but quality is way up. Did well this morning. One boat headed to the L and thats all I saw for the day. I didn't venture to far from the dikes, the little buggers were to hungry to let me get to my real spot.
[cool][#0000ff]Glad you had a good day. Lincoln Beach will be my primary target for the next few weeks. Love the fall fishing there. I stopped by there last Tuesday evening and saw some young lads doing well off the dike right inside the channel.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Might have been lonely today but when the word gets out there are fish to be caught we will have plenty of company. I have had more than my share of full-contact fishing days down there.[/#0000ff]
I fished Lincoln twice this year and never did good with cats. I fished the reeds and notice that it was around 5' deep there. Going deeper into the weeds going south, it gets more shallower. I hit the slough and zilch!. I also went north and marked occasional fish.

Would you recommend the weedline?
TD you just need to inform your possy where your not going, sneak of to LB, and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Wow the birds were thick swallows I think it was and quite fun to watch the as a flock would swarm in on the bugs. By the way. The baby whites at the dock were as easy to catch as swatting flies. Had a bunch in about 10 minutes. Dbl hook up every cast.
But you didn't get the skunk and that should mean a lot right?

I have had a time or 2 where 4 of us in seperate crafts cast to the same area and we all catch plenty of fish at Utah Lake. In fact there was my epic day this year where I got 109 whites and the others caught 2 to 1 on me and walked away with over 300 fish. So sometimes it doesn't matter when there are others fish "your hole" but when times are tight.......yeah that might suck.
haha, i love this site i check it once in a while and it never changes, bunch of blue writing about dragging a minnow and a bank tangler or another fisherman moving in or the power squad wronging someone,haha and all these funny quips ,i ilove it, nice fambly cutters and microdinks
[cool][#0000ff]And still the same idiot making snarky comments about my posts...and never contributing anything of any use to anybody.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You really need to get a life.[/#0000ff]
I bought one of those inflatable rafts to have some fun with the kids on the little lakes around here... I may have to try it in the shallows of UL sometime.

Thanks for all your great reports!
[quote gettingthereok]haha, i love this site i check it once in a while and it never changes[/quote]

Ah there you are! How I've missed your insightful commentary and useful/helpful contributions.

I was going to PM this, then retracted. Maybe a public flogging is more appropriate.

As the old adage goes - "if ya ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say anything".

I'm going to "suggest" to you that if you love this site - GO FISHING - then maybe come back and tell us about it. If your only intent is to come in here and harass CONTRIBUTORS like the dude - I'll have other suggestions to share.

Same fish - different day - what DO you expect?
If you don't care to hear about someone dragging minnows and pitching plastics - AGAIN, and - welp - catching MORE fish - you have a choice. To take the time, effort to post such snarky remarks - brings nothing positive to this site you say you love.

Love it or leave it. I'll leave it at that . . . for now.
[#BF0000]I'll call this both a threat and a promise.[/#BF0000]
I thought they were kidding around as friends do....
[cool][#0000ff]One of the nice things about good old Utah Lake is that there are lots of places you can float a small craft...safely...and still catch some fishies. But you always need to keep a watch on the weather and don't take unnecessary chances.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I put a motor on my float tubes now not only to help me get from point A to point B faster but as a backup safety measure as well.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you gonna get serous about your new toy you might consider adding some auxilliary power.[/#0000ff]
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[quote 78Caddis]I thought they were kidding around as friends do....[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Quite the opposite. The only posts this guy ever makes are to make fun of the reports I make. I don't know what I ever said to set him off but he seems to really have a "thing" for my posts.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]He thinks he is the world's greatest angler and nobody else could possibly know anything about the game. He also objects to anybody spelling out specifics on any particular spot...especially providing maps.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And lastly, he seems to have an aversion to blue writing. That's probably why I keep using it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you look at his profile and review the posts he has made you will see there is nothing of substance in anything he has ever put on the board.[/#0000ff]
Well we all have to have a stalker or two.

You have this guy. [Smile]

I have my wife.

No matter how hard I try to get away she always seems ti figure out where I'm at. [laugh]

Of course going home all the time probably makes it a little easier for her.