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I lost another tackle box within the past few days, possibly as early as Wednesday. This would be in Lindon (somewhat close to the dump - within a few blocks).

It had a bunch of marabou jigs, woolybugger type flies, tiny treble hooks, baitholders, swivels, 2 or 3 Blue Fox, a Kastmaster, a jig hole puncher, a brook trout pattern CD3 Rapala, and some other junk.

Yep, my go-to gear box. It's just a clear inner-pack compartment box for a soft Cabela's bag.

Fishing on lunch break, I've managed to do this twice now in 3 or 4 months. I'm pretty sure it could have been recovered if I knew it was gone earlier. I hardly ever switch gear in the middle of the week, so I don't notice it's missing until right before I leave to go somewhere.

If you have found this box, I would be very grateful to get it back. I can't really offer a reward, but I'd be glad to show you how to fish the spot where it was found.

I deserve to lose it, placing it on the spare tire of my Rodeo while I switch lures, then forgetting it's there and driving back to work. This has bitten me twice now.

Thanks for any help.
The chance of loosing fishing stuff like you have bothers me to no end so I have started putting my name and phone # on the bottom of each box. This is in hopes that when Joe Blow finds it he will be kind enough to give me a call.

Sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about your tackle loss. That is one thing that scares me. I now carry smaller boxes to avoid losing all my tackle.
That's awful. What size jigs do you prefer? I'll chip in and tie up 10 or so as replacements.
Wow, thanks!

1/16oz is the ticket. Black or brown are my favs, if you've got it.

Thanks a lot.
Sure thing. I've still got your number. I'll call you up when they're done.