Fishing Forum

Full Version: fordtruck, CFF #9 Lake Chick, Bass, 9/8/12, Danny and Billie
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Sorry I'm late in making our fishing report but I have been extremly busy and Danny does not compute. emoSorry <br /><br />We blasted off and headed for a very grassy area off of 58 Hwy. However, we caught 1 little bitty bass that was about 10" long. emoConfused So we loaded up and headed to our next hole where we landed 3 keepers in 5 min. We were in about 3' to 10' of water and we were getting bites like crazy as long as the sun was shining. After it got clouded up the bass there became tight lipped but we were on board with about 7 lbs. emoUpSmile <br /><br />We moved to a few other places but did not get anymore bites. emoBang Then finally emoIdea Danny said he had a special place so off he headed towards the cooling towers. emoBigSmile emoUpSmile On our way to Dannys special hole I noticed Tow Boats US towing a boat so I waved, we almost made it to the power lines, when all of a sudden we hear a aweful knowing sound and the boat dies. emoHoppingmad emoVomit emoBawl emoBadLanguage Our brand new lower unit has a hole in the side of it. So now we get to call Tow Boat US to take us back to Harrison Bay where we were parked. We threw our fish back and called it a day.<br /><br />Thankfully, we should have our lower unit back by next weekend so that we can fish the Legends tx.