09-17-2012, 09:00 AM
<br /> Heath got a head start on me last night with him and his friend Weyman going after some smallies. <br /> Weyman is a lifelong bass fisherman, but had never caught a smalljaw in all his years of trying. Must have a bit of Spurluck huh? Ill let Heath fill in the time prior to me getting there, although I heard there was a large fish, jumping, breaking lines, or some sort of lies told when I arrived. <br /> Tactics are pretty simple, find ample bait of the right size, light line, sharp hook, wade in waist deep, cast up current, repeat. Well, maybe not so simple, but its effective when it all comes together. TVA was blasting 46K and the river was humming. Heath landed a LM and then took off for more bait will Weyman and I held down the fort. I think he toook the fish call he uses with him and all we got in 40 minutes was a channel cat. Heath shows back up, sweating, huffing and puffing mumbling something about many throws of the net, rocks, small bait, anglers in the way, all I want to know is, &amp;quot;did you get me enough bait?&amp;quot;<br /> Turns out he did, and on the first three cast we took, they hooked up a double smalljaws and I broke a fish off. DOH! The good news is we succeeded in getting him his first smallie! He was a happy camper. A couple more channel cats, and another LM was all we mustered, but it beats mowing the grass. <br /> It KILLED me watching the white bass blow up 300 yards out in the river and not be able to sit on them and hook up most every cast, but I guess I should have drug the boat to work. <br /> Heath took the only pictures, so maybe he will add them.