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Full Version: Perchrific Day At Deer Creek 9-16-12
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Launch at 545 am. Air temp 41. Was more prepared for the cooler temps this time. 1 hour later than last week since we never had a bite until it was lite enough to see without a headlamps last week. We were hoping for another good Walleye day. Nope not so good. Trolled for eyes and caught 1 12incher. Caught a bunch of perch trolling, caught 1 rainbow trolling, caught 3 smallies trolling. Alot of nice perch so we started marking where we getting the most perch bites and narrowed it down and threw the electronic anchor. I hit the Money Spot. Dropped down with my ice fishing perch special (small kastmaster with a rat finky tied 8 inches above it) on my lighter rod with 6# test. Bam nice jumbo perch. Sweet, perch off and repeat process BAM nice pounder smallie to the surface and snap the 6# test. There goes the ice fishing perch special. 2 can play this game. Heavier line and rod. 8# was good. Never lost another rig. We stayed right there and caught a Grundle of perch, probally 50
nice perch. A bunch of smallies. 3 rainbows(Yes Pack Fan Damn Slimers). Have to say those rainbow were pretty fun after catching panfish after panfish. Blew through probally 5 dozen worms and had a pretty nice mess of fish we decided to go try our last dozen worms on some walleyes. Nothing. Headed home and cleaned fish. Ended up with probally 75 perch give or take
3 or 4 never counted exactly but oretty close. Added a dozen smallies to the batch. 4 rainbows to be smoked. Over all ended up being a OK day even though the Eyes did not play nice. The perch were pretty impressive. Most of them with exception of about 10 dinks were nice fish. The majority was about 10 to 12 inches. A dozen or so that were between 12 to 13 1/2. My my quess it will be a great year for nice Jumbo perch through the ice this winter. No pictures taken. You have all seen what perch and slimers look like. I mean come on its not like they were walleyes. Hands are all tore up and sore from those damn spiney pokey prickly flippen little buggers. See you somewhere soon.

Were you still getting your perch by the Island.
I've caught A LOT of nice perch at Deer Creek just heading up in the mornings and shore tangling.

And when they are biting it doesn't seem to matter what I throw at them, I catch a few (bait or a number of different lures).

Nice report!
Nice report. I'd like to see pix of Jumbo Perch! Sounds like you ice-rig is the opposite of mine. I put a castmaster above the jig. But perch are pretty forgiving all said and done. Do you have a hook on the castmaster? I remove mine - seems to spend more time catching on the ice-hole that hooking fish. But it does draw some attention to bounce it in the mud (underwater camera-proof)

I hear ya on the trout tugs. Was panfishing this weekend, and thought it's FINALLY hooked into a real nice one. Nope - silly slimer!

Too bad the eyes were playing. Maybe they'll strap on the fall feedbags!
Will walleye fishing pick up in October? I'm not hearing any reports of success lately. Congratulations on the perch. Those taste good when they are pan-fried.

What pound test line do you use with perch?

I personally use the 6# and 8# line I have on my reels targeting other stuff.

When the perch are biting, they'll take both Bass and Trout target lures (Jigs or a spinner) -- so I really don't go after the perch specifically.
Nice to see some bigger perch at deer creek. Sounds like a fun day and some good eats.
Reple to Coyote. I am the reverse of you. I like the cast master on the bottom and yes i leave the treble on. I have caught the ice a time or 2. usally when icing for perch I am in deeper water at Deer creek, Yuba, Pineview, Hyrum and Starvation. most of the time the air sacks come out, not always but most of the time. That usually makes them not fight to much at the hole. When Icing I like to set my lucky 5 foot perch rod on a bucket and set it so the cast master is like 1 - 2 iches off the bottom, then i jig in so the master is hitting bottom each time i jig. usually I can tell the different size of fish by the strike. one chonk and hold it down usually results in a jumbo and a dink-tity-dink-dink-tity-dink-dink-dink results in a DINK. While we were up there on sunday is was actually a pain in the A** . in one hand it was better in the other it was not. I would Bait the treble across all 3 barbs and then thread a little piece on the finky and sink it to the bottom. Pull the line tight and it was constant hits and jerks until one of two things, hooked fish or out of bait. either one would occur in the matter of 30 seconds or less. I could usually miss 3 or 4 times before those thieves would have won the battle. So I would start over and repeat the process. my buddy used 1 bare orange jig head and did just as good as me. he was not drinking tough, And the rockstar and cake vodka was tasting pretty darn good for the first three drinks and then by the time I switch to burbon and diet soda my buddy started to catch more fish than me. weird I wonder why.
^ best user name EVER!
To kochanut, Sotally_Tober is what the name of my boat is. I named it that in 06 when I bought it.