Fishing Forum

Full Version: Sunny Bass Day.
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After work today I had to check out a few spots on jordan river for white bass and cut them up to catch some catfish or carp but no love on white bass. The catfishes would jump out of the water to meow at me because I had nothing they like with me. Late decided to hit one of my secret spots and looky here sun fish[angelic] most of them were 5-7 in. I talked to some kid who was fishing next to me and caught a white bass on shrimp [crazy]. When he left he gave me his left over shrimp and told me what to do and I think i get the oposite of white bass. More like large mouth bass with shrimp [crazy]???? First time ever catching a bass on shrimp I was surprised because i usually catch mostly catfish or sometimes trout on shrimp. Oh well at least I caught a BASS that was over 11 in. Looks like my curse is finally lifted up for good.

Pictures are on my photo bucket to make you happy so your poor fingers dont fall off from right clicking and tapping the backspace all the time. [Tongue]
All your bluegills are actually sunfish.
Ya I don't know why I put blue gill on the post when I creatEd the thread sunny is for sun fish and bass is bass lol could of been that busy lunch hr work messing with my head and seeing like 8 cans of 26 worms container empty [crazy] it looked like some one was serious for carp in
That one area lol.