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Full Version: Henrys 20-23
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Had a great time at Henrys. We caught about thirty fish between my son and I. The fish have not really moved in by the shores yet. I would give it two weeks. All so fished Island Park caught about twenty 2-3# rainbows. First time at the park. Was told it was 42% down this year by the sheriff. Water Temp 63.
Ps all were released to fight another day!!!
Nice fish! Mike
Some nice looking fish!! Thanks for the report and pics.
Those are some hoggish cutts and beautiful brookies. Thanks for sharing.
I hope it is starting to get hot, the fishing. I am planning on going over there for the State Teachers Hunting and Fishing Days next week on Thursday and Friday. I love those days! Last year it was blizzard conditions, so hopefully that won't be the case this year.
Very nice. The big one for Dad is pretty nice. County boat dock area? We did the State and had a good time, but they were in shore. Found out the hard way when went in to get something. Coming back out was hit with BIG surprise in about 7 feet of water.
We tried the seven to ten feet of water on the Cliff side. With everyone else. But all we got were small cuts. Nothing over seventeen inches. So we moved back by the A Frame and started landing bigger fish in about ten to eleven feet. They are moving in but I think the big ones are hanging back a little.
I agree cliffs area you need to be in that 11 foot area. Had some fellow fishers staying at the cabin that fished that area with a 10 lber being had, but more to the south.
I did my best in the past at Staleys springs, 5 feet.
I think it is the different areas, but I like the deeper water too normally. Just pressed for time this trip.
It is a lot easier to catch them these days however, in my opinion. There are masses of them. Ice fishing should be awesome.
nice fish. congrats on catch [fishin]
Great fish congrats [cool]
Great report, I'm going up there in ten days. I was really excited to hear the fishing is good right near our home away from home. The A-Frame belongs to the family of my Father's best friend, and I've been lucky enough to make many trips there over the years.