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Full Version: Grouper, Cobia & Snapper: Bonita Beach, FL Fishbuster Dave
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[cool][font "Arial"][size 2]I fished Monday with Paul Oleff and Lou Citterman, 19 miles out New Pass. We had a good morning of fishing, using live shrimp. Paul caught a 23 inch gag grouper, and collectively, we also caught a dozen keeper mangrove snapper to 19 inches, a 15 inch mutton snapper, and triggerfish.

As this week progressed, seas got rougher, but I tried the Bonita reefs Thursday with Marlyn Cunningham, son Dan and grandson Brett. We used live shrimp to catch fifteen mangrove snapper, and we released lots of blue runners and grunts. We used a grunt for cobia bait, and boated a 40-inch cobia, and lost an even bigger one. It was too rough Friday and the weekend to fish, with seas upwards of 7 feet, so we stayed in port. The photo attached is of angler Ken Adams, with a 42 inch, 18 pound kingfish, caught last week on a Fishbuster Charter. Find complete info and fish photo album at [/size][/font][url ""][font "Arial"][#0000ff][size 2][/size][/#0000ff][/font][/url]