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there is going to be some monsters coming through the ice this winter.
I agree, I think the record will be broken this year. Only question is who's going to claim it.

By the way, nice mess of fish!!!!
so hungry.
oh yeah. i cant wait till ice fishing starts[fishin]
Are any of the ramps still good to launch from? I'm here now getting breakfast but gonna be out shortly! Any help on what to use where to start looking? I don't have a fish finder anymoreSad thanks! Nice fish!
I've never fished Cascade, but I have frequently seen the advise on here to "get the latest perch info at Tackle Tom's in Cascade". I don't even know if he is open on Sunday??? Good luck, and have fun no matter what!
Tackle Tom's information is dependent on how much you spend. Went in one morning and spent $20 on misc tackle and bait and got the current "hot" info.. We got skunked there and so did everyone else. My buddy says lets go back to Tackle Tom's because I want to pick up that sled I seen earlier this morning He ended up dropping $120 on stuff and the new "hot" info changed 20 miles. We ended up having a great day of fishing at the new hot spot. He should just hang a sign on the door advertising the price for information! Bad business practice in my book and I will not drop another dollar in there. But thats just opinion.
That is good to know!!
WOW... nice mess of of fish! Those will be tastey! Wish we could consistently get into some of those over here on the east side of the state.
Nice perch, hoping to make a trip up there this winter, wanted to go last year but it didn't work out. Is there a limit on perch in Cascade? Thanks for posting the picture.[fishin]
No Limit on Perch , Blue Gill , Crappie , Catfish in Idaho . Curt G.
which is why the fishing mainly sucks now.....and the perch will be fished out within two years too IMHO.
[quote AverysAdventure]I agree, I think the record will be broken this year. Only question is who's going to claim it.

I can narrow that field down a bit. Odds are good it will either be hooknhunter, icehogger, or duckslayer.[:p]
The rest of you might as well give up hope now.[Smile]
Thanks for the info, I know when I use to live in Mt. Home there was no limit on perch at CJ Strike or Anderson, I wasn't sure about Cascade. [fishin]
My money is on Duckslayer. [:p]
Mine would be on Hogger, but Duckslayer gets to fish a lot more.......[Wink]
Don't forget about Untangler, I wouldn't be writing him off [fishon]
Good point. He does get out there a lot and always seems to find some nice ones. Also forgort perchmasterson. Now that I think about it, I don't stand a chance.[Smile] Oh well, it was fun to jest and a guy's gotta dream.

Like the song says, "And when you dream, dream big, As big as the ocean blue
'Cause when you dream it might come true, When you dream, dream big". I was just dreamin' big.
No way it will be me im going there this ice season I have a secret weapon from maniac custom lures and its hot for fish produced some of the largest fish I have caught. HEY I can dream can I not.
That's funny, So do you want the $20 advice, or the $120 advice...

Kinda like I say when someone comes with a question:

Questions are free
Answers are $5
Correct Answers are $50
