I found an ad on Craigslist today, offering 40-or-so flies for 40 bucks. I was hoping a few of you could take a look at some of the pictures, and tell me if they're useful flies, or if they're the ones that never get bit. Thanks!
I'm reeeealy new to flyfishing, and am not into tying my own flies. yet.....
[url "http://boise.craigslist.org/spo/3301660177.html"]link[/url]
All those flies are useful.
WOW!. I do suggest, get two of each fly you choose[
For a noob......perfect set of starter Flys. Every fly on there is one that I use at some point during the year to catch trout here...also getting 2 of each like flygoddess suggested is fantastic advise.
Whatever flies you decide on it is a good idea to put a tiny dot of Zap A Gap superglue on the thread right behind the hook eye. Just make sure you don't cover the hook eye.
Agree with all comments
[quote Metalheadgene]Agree with all comments[/quote]
OK, I'll buy a set. I sent the dude an email, just waiting to hear back.
I'll post up more (better) pics when I get it, in case anyone else is interested. It sounded to me like this is kind of a part time job for this guy.
OK, I paid him via PAYPAL on saturday night, and I got my new flies in the mail tuesday. Considering monday was a govnmt holiday, I was amazed!
I paid a total of $45, which included $5 s/h.
He sent me a "C&F style swing leaf flybox", 24 dry flies, and 25 wet flies.
(there are 3 small dry flies hiding under 3 bigger dry flies. I didn't spot them until I had already taken the pics LoL!)
If anyone's interested, his name is Peter, his email is nwflysupply@yahoo.com
He added this in his last email:
" If you like the flies, please pass my information onto your fishing buddies. I have more than 110,000 flies and can match all of the life stages for the major hatches on the waters you fish."
monkeee, pm me a mailing address and I will send you some of my favorite flies to fill up that cool box.
Fly Goddess rules
Wish someone would have talked her into doing our little fly swap with us!
[quote Metalheadgene]Fly Goddess rules[/quote]
Indeed! She sent me a ton of stuff!