I headed back to the motherland (Idaho) for the weekend and managed a couple hours of fishing on the Clearwater with two steelhead to show for it, including the 27.4 pounder in the video, but I lost the big one! [:p] [laugh] I love October!
Ha ha, does your wife know you are spooning with fish? [angelic]
Hey don't knock it till you try it! [laugh]
She does roll her eyes though...
holy crap dude i fished all weekend and didn't touch a fish. we need to hook up and you can school me on the soon fishing.
Sounds good to me! If it makes you feel any better I'm totally jealous of all those chinook you caught this spring... [
I didn't do near as we'll as last year this time. The run isn't looking very good and the water was low and the temp was dropping fast... All things considered I was ok with just two caught. Pluss I only had time to fish for a few hours.
wish i could make it out for the steelies this year but its a no go!!! nice fish...[fishin]
You did good considering the low numbers this year. I have never fished the Clearwater. Hope to make it over there some day.
Love that spot! Nothing better than nailing a metalhead on bent metal swung properly through a fishy run!
It's my favorite way to catch them!
You meant 27 inches, not pounds ???
[laugh] I meant what I said... you don't think it was 27.4 lbs?? You must not be as good at judging fish weight as me! [
You're probably pretty close with your guess.
I really did loose one that felt big though.
Well the 27.4 pounder remark definitely got me to watch the whole video! I'm getting more into spoon fishing and really enjoying it. Pretty fun way to cover a lot of water and the Clearwater is a great river to spoon fish. Nice work!