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Full Version: Toothy Critter No Shows 10-9-12
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[cool][#0000ff]Had a semi-reliable report of a couple of early wallies being taken at Lincoln Beach last week. Musta been the last two left in Utah Lake. They sure didn't come in today.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Left the ramp about 7 am. Air temp 40 and water temp 55. Water depth avg. 3.5' all the way out the boat channel. Got into a few white bass in a hole at the mouth of the 5-6 feet of water. Was just getting light. No walleyes around the dike ends.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Joined by BFTer high_n_dry. It was his birthday and he had given himself a present of a day off from work. He sure is nice to himself. But the fish treated him kinda poorly. He got one catfish to the net but released it through spastic handling of the orange lip gripper. Conservationist. He did get another cat later in the day to officially scratch the skunk from his report. He went back out after we both came in at noon...since he had the rest of the day off. Why waste it? Hope he did better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I took only my light and medium light rods today. Took only some plastics and assorted heads. And some crawlers for tipping the jigs. No minnows, carp meat or white bass meat. Figured I would focus on aggressively searching for walleyes and would not allow myself to be distracted by catkind.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good plan, but the kitties didn't read the program. I still got a couple of 20 inch cats on the jig and crawler rigs I was pitching for wallies. Both were all scratched up on their sides. Silly cats. I also got one mud cat, several more white bass and even a pale bluegill...way out away from shore in about 6 feet of water. At Utah Lake ya never know what's gonna show up at the end of your line. All of today's conquests were smooched and released. Well, maybe not the mudcat. Just released.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]With the water being so low, all of my usual productive wallie spots were either dry or just merely damp. Didn't see any fish wearing tennies so I am assuming they are deeper. I did fish a wide variety of plastics out into water as deep as about 8.5 feet...with no toothy love.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I shoulda knowed the walleye were not showing up for serious yet. The happy harvester floatilla was non-existent...and only a few wallie-waders out on the rock shelves off the orchards. You can bet that if someone REALLY caught a walleye that their communication network would have had the place hoppin' with the regulars.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It was a purty day. Mostly glass all morning with only a slight breeze ripple a couple of times. Might have been better for walleyes if there was a bit of a blow. Looks like that will happen in the next few days. Good for fish...bad for tubers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good fishing with you again, Glen. Happy Birthday.[/#0000ff]
Well that is ruff. Good luck on the walleyes though. Knowing you we will see one in your hands soon enough. And that bluegill dam near looked Albino!

So with as computer savy as you are why are the pics not inline? Just curious is all.

Where to next Dude of Tubes?
TD.... Too bad the toothy guys didnt come out to play. Looks like a nice day to be out and ya still managed a couple kitties even when ya werent fishin for them. Go figure. I was surprised how beat up the kittie in the pic was. Would expect that early in the year during the spawn but seems late to be rollin on the rocks. As usual fun report and great pics.
"So with as computer savy as you are why are the pics not inline? Just curious is all."

[cool][#0000ff]You're always curious...about somethin'. That's just the way I roll...err post.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I definitely know how to use the "inline" option for posting pictures. After all, I am the one who put together the [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"]HELP DESK[/url] for the forums.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Where next? Pineview, Willard, Deer Creek and Yuba...for some perch. Hasn't been good for perch down there for about 3 years but I keep trying. Who knows? Maybe I'll even catch one of those evil pike...or a nonexistent walleye. But I'll be damned (or dammed) if I'll spike my hair just to get one.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]It is actually a bit late for the walleyes to be showing up around the rock ledges at Lincoln. Water temps are right and the water clarity yesterday was as good as I have seen it all year at Utah Lake. But walleye fishing is usually best when their food supply is low and they are hungry. There are so many baby white bass parading in front of the wallies that all they have to do is yawn to get dinner. Good for them and bad for fishermen.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My theory on the scratched kitties is that they are also foraging for food...crawdads in structure. This is the time of year the 'dads are holing up and the kitties have to work harder for them. One of the cats I caught near the pipe at the bubbleup last week had some scratches on it too. The wounds developed during the spawn are often much worse.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The spawn is long since over for the cats. In fact, the females are already showing some new egg development for next year's spawn.[/#0000ff]
Ok, so first mistake "going" fishing for toofy ones, no?!
Gotta catch 'em on accident. Gosh - don't you read ANYONEs posts? teehee.

Quote:[#0000ff] Didn't see any fish wearing tennies so I am assuming they are deeper.[/#0000ff]

now those fish would be ready to take a run! I was lucky-er enuf to be pitching through conglomerates of young fishies, to find an aggressor in waiting. But pretty shallow as it'were.

Darn those kitties come to mess with ya. Don't they know when' they've got a time-out!

Hey TD, you said you thought all the Wallies were gone in the lake. Well my buddy caught 200 wallies today! LOL He owns the company doing the carp harvesting. He threw them all back in. Would you like me have him get you a couple?
[quote bmxnfishing]Hey TD, you said you thought all the Wallies were gone in the lake. Well my buddy caught 200 wallies today! LOL He owns the company doing the carp harvesting. He threw them all back in. Would you like me have him get you a couple?[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Hey, hey, hey! Where and when did I ever say there were no wallies in Utah Lake. I say just the opposite. There are tons of them in there...but they just got too much natural food to mess with silly fishermen.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Tell Mr. Loy that I applaud his superior walleye catching skills. He's been doing that stuff for a long time. But if he wants to make any money he's gotta fish where there are more carp than walleyes. That's getting to be more difficult.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And he better not be giving away (or selling) any of those walleyes. That's a no no under his contract.[/#0000ff]
Thanks Pat,

Another really enjoyable and educational day on the water with the master. Still getting used to the Toon, working out the bugs in my PVC additions, and still fumbling around a bit when it counts like trying to make a basket with the critters that don't really want to get into it. Fortunately it's improving with each and every trip. My early days in the stripped down toon, fishing for C&R trout was much easier, but honestly not as much fun.

I did manage four more cats in all sizes and one carp that I kept for cut bait after you left. Time flew by, and I ended up leaving at about 6 pm.

Got to know a few birds on a first name basis, and one really seemed to like me. He followed me around all afternoon, and then when I went back to the ramp, it was like he wanted to race. Little did he know I was already at full throttle. He kept slowing down while I'd catch up,. and then start racing ahead. Very entertaining to say the least.

Much Fun!
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah. Nice day and good company. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I suspected that with the water starting to warm a bit that you might find some more frisky kitties. Glad you got to play with some more of them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lincoln Beach is always a good place to watch our feathery friends. Lots of different kinds of waterfowl through the seasons. With that "bluebird" day there weren't many ducks flying and we didn't hear much shooting. But there are days down there that it sounds like World War III. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I suspect your racing competition was a grebe. They were really busy hunting down the small whities. I have had them hit my minnows...and even jigs. Trust don't even wanna bring a hooked one near your inflated craft...or any part of your anatomy. Sharp beaks and an attitude. And those evil red eyes are truly devilish. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just another good example of why I enjoy fishing from my inflated craft more than a boat. The silent and odorless approach is less disturbing to the surroundings and allows greater enjoyment of the esthetics of fishing. It ain't just about the catching.[/#0000ff]

Sorry Pat, I was out on Tuesday and must have caught all the biting walleye for the week. the biggest was 25 1\2 in. smallest 18 in. I fish the same spot every fall with high water or low water it makes no difference, the contour stays the same in high or low water. next week will be interesting with this cold coming in. later
[cool][#0000ff]Glad you got into them Chuck. I think I know where you guys go and it is just a bit far for my tube. Makes it harder with all the shoreline closed to public access down there.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Most areas around the lake are very changeable. The fish are either there or they ain't. Only a few are predictable through all conditions.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let's see what Mama Nature has cooked up for us.[/#0000ff]