I have a heavy canoe on a trailer pulled by a small car and I'm worried about whether or not I can back down the ramp and not slide into the water. Friday it may rain but is the ramp that bad? I don't want to drive up there for nothing.
What do you think?
You won't have to worry about the ramp, it was out of the picture long ago - what there is of it.
A small boat could launch from the dirt/gravel past the launch. Do you have a come-along, or crank to pull the boat up? The slope was very steep back then, and water's gone down more since.
I have heard from folks who launch from the west side - across from the ramp area - but I haven't tried that. It's not quite as steep.
If we get really dumped on - the sides could get slippery. But I'm pretty sure they'd finished drawing it down, so the edges would have had a chance to dry up.
I touched my trailer wheels to the water, then pushed the boat off.
[inline "Newton Launch 8_12.jpg"]
The water level is at ton lower than what the pic CS just put up. No sense in even trying to go from the east side. I wouldn't recommend a car trying to launch from the west side either. The initial hill is fairly steep and gravely, not making for good traction. The west side wouldn't be a problem if you had 4 wheel drive, even with the rain. I have been out there every weekend for the last 2 months and haven't had any issues. The picture doesn't do it justice. It doesn't look like much of a difference, but it is from clear across the lake. Deepest spot in the lake was 12-13 feet. The day CS took that pic of me in the boat by the ramp, the deepest was closer to 17-20 feet.
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