10-12-2012, 09:00 AM
Hit the river about 11:00, nothing like getting an early start. Filled the bait tank and turned on the pump and headed to my latest hot bait spot. One throw and had some real nice threadfins, 2nd throw had more than I needed and was sorting by size.<br /><br /><br />The current was ripping, about 48k so I headed to a current edge and got busy fishing. Had an immediate hookup on freelined shad and a BIG!! Smallie came out of the water. That got my heart pumping, looked to be at least 6-6.5# fish. Fighting the current and up it came again, a twist at the top and came off. emoBang emoBang . Not a good way to start.<br /><br /> Worked bait on drifts from the dam, eddy edges, both freeline and downline. Got 3 Smallies in the boat, before they cut back the flow about 2:00. That pretty much turned off the bass, but the Channel Cats went nuts. RSimms mentioned they stack-up above the RR Bridge this time of year. I caught 5 in the 6# range, and they all put up a good fight with some runs. Just not what I was looking for. Moved to a different area and caught a 9# Blue Cat and a nice White Bass. <br /><br />Last fish of the trip was a small Rockfish (Striped Bass). No starving children at home so no fish killed today.<br /><br />Regards, Labman