Fishing Forum

Full Version: Carp & Buffalo Tournament Slated for Lake Fork, Texas
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Are Carp and Rough Fish catch and release tournaments coming of age? With Wild Carp Companies running a regular schedule of catch and release tournaments for several years now, 2013 marks the second annual carp AND buffalo tournament at Lake Fork, TX. The tournament was deliberately set up to showcase the sporting opportunities available to anglers who target rough fish species. In the inaugural tournament, we saw lake records broken, and re-broken, for carp and buffalo, with a 35lb carp and 66lb buffalo winning prize pots. The record fish were gioven names by the competitors, Woody, the carp, and Buffalo Bob were instant celebrity fish! Okay, so that may be a bit crazy but what's not crazy is the caliber of fishing on offer. The winning team for the Big 4 buffalo registered 208lbs for four fish, and they were catching fish weighing close to 50lbs that wouldn't even improve their score!

The 2013 Texas 44 is open for registration! Will we see Buffalo Bob's big brother? Will Woody bring his Mommy? Will we see the 208lb Big Four fish smashed? Who knows what could happen at the amazing Lake Fork! Oh, and did we mention the prize pot of $13,000?