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Full Version: Desolation Canyon Fishing Help Needed!
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My father in law talked me into floating desolation canyon with him next week. I have tried researching about the fishing but haven't found much. I know it will probably be a little cold for catfish, but I would still like to try. Has anyone ever fished this section of the river or the green this time of year?

I floated it many moons ago. Its too far downstream to support anything but catfish to my knowledge. Maybe a stray pike from the Yampa, way upstream. Last known trout are at Echo Park, just below Jones Hole, and way above Desolation.
floated it last year in September, couldn't keep the catfish off! mostly 12"-14" but got a few in the 5 pound range. Best bait was just a night crawler but one night we found a dead mouse rigged it up and hooked into something GIANT! had him on for 30 seconds or so and that whole time my grab was just screaming off, i didn't have a lot of line on and he snapped it off!
Catfish is definetely the target. There is a little creek that feeds into the Green somewhere along the way, called Rock Creek i believe (i could be wrong on the name). It was loaded with little trout. Crystal clear, very cool.

Every hole all the way down had some kind of catfish in it. We even caught em on salmon eggs. Find an eddy and you'll catch fish.
thanks guys, this is what I wanted to hear. Hopefully I'll have some pictures for you!
The small creek that runs in is range creek. As mentioned it has pan size trout. Also if you are a goose hunter take a shotgun. The geese hang where range creek enters.Fish the back eddies for catfish. If you are floating all the way to green river , take some time to fish where the price river enters also. (about 20 miles upstream from green river.