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Full Version: Marine Mammal Protection Act Turns 40
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This month marks the 40th anniversary of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), landmark legislation that has lead to decades of successful marine mammal conservation in the United States and which helped set the stage for ecosystem-based approaches to managing human impacts on the marine environment. Dr. Richard Merrick, NOAA Fisheries Chief Scientist, gives us a retrospective on this key-stone legislation--looking back to where we were 40 years ago, and looking forward to the international threats and emerging ecosystem challenges.

Since passage of the MMPA, the United States has made significant strides and investments in marine mammal conservation, building a wide-ranging scientific and management infrastructure to protect and monitor populations. However, the United States cannot do it alone. As an initial step to enhance the focus on international challenges facing marine mammals, we have released the International Marine Mammal Action Plan, identifying specific actions and projects to be undertaken over the next 3-5 years. This plan and other key elements of the MMPA are featured online.

Please visit us online where we have featured a number of compelling marine mammals issues. We will continue highlight various marine mammal science and management stories throughout the coming year.

Media Contact

Laurel Bryant<br />
Chief, External Affairs<br />
NOAA Fisheries Communications<br /><br />