10-25-2012, 05:10 PM
The public is invited to join the Casting for Recovery Mid-Atlantic Program for the 4th Annual 2Fly4Hope Fishing Challenge and Alumni Reunion at the beautiful Rose River Farm in Madison County near the village of Syria, on Sunday, October 28, 2012. Twelve teams of two anglers will fish for bragging rights and exciting prizes. It's always a spirited event, complete with good-natured ribbing and perhaps a side wager or two. In addition to the 2Fly itself, participants from past retreats are invited back to reunite with other alumni, retreat leaders, and River Helpers. They will gather to fish on the ponds of Rose River Farm and with the help of professional instructors, will hone their skills or learn all over again. There will also be other activities for those ladies who don't wish to pick up a rod.
All are welcome not only to cheer on the 2Fly anglers and alumni, but to simply enjoy a wonderful day on a beautiful piece of property. There will also be a silent auction full of terrific items from those for the home to experiences to (of course) fly-fishing gear and rods. Topping the day off will be a BBQ catered by Gentry Catering (mmm...fried chicken), music, and the awards program.
While it's always quite a fun day, the reason for being there and why we are raising funds are never lost on those in attendance; to support the Casting for Recovery Mid-Atlantic Program and the retreats that are offered at NO cost to the women who attend. We are fortunate to have sold out of 2Fly registrations, but please come to enjoy the rest of the fun. To register for the event and BBQ, click on the following link: 2Fly4Hope Fishing Challenge.
General Event, 2012 2FLY SPONSORSHIPS, or Auction/Raffle information: Mollie Simpkins 410-336-1175 or MOLLIE.SIMPKINS@GMAIL.COM
2Fly Fishing Challenge and Stream Monitor information: Kiki Galvin: 703-899-6793 or ANGLA56@MSN.COM
Alumni information: Teresa Rodriguez: 703-597-8304 or TRODRIGUEZMONTEROSA@COX.NET
We are BIG believers in supporting those who support us, so please click on the logos to learn more about our sponsors and donors! Learn more about the available sponsorships 2012 2FLY SPONSORSHIPS. Special thanks to Douglas Dear and Rose River Farm for allowing us the use of this spectacular venue for this event. Do yourself a favor and reserve a rod and a cabin!
Meet the volunteers...
Kiki Galvin of "Ms. Guided " fishing guide service from Northern Virginia is one of the many volunteers that help make programs like Casting for Recovery and Project Healing Waters successful in therapeutic recreation and recovery for wounded military service members and outdoor enthusiasts battling cancer. Kiki notes that people she and other volunteers meet at these fishing events create friendships that enrich these experiences and benefit both volunteer and recovering angler. Come join Kiki and other volunteer fishing enthusiasts at the CFR Annual event at Rose River Farm in Madison. See photo below from Project Healing Waters event at Rose River Farm last April. Fishing is FUN and MORE...
All are welcome not only to cheer on the 2Fly anglers and alumni, but to simply enjoy a wonderful day on a beautiful piece of property. There will also be a silent auction full of terrific items from those for the home to experiences to (of course) fly-fishing gear and rods. Topping the day off will be a BBQ catered by Gentry Catering (mmm...fried chicken), music, and the awards program.
While it's always quite a fun day, the reason for being there and why we are raising funds are never lost on those in attendance; to support the Casting for Recovery Mid-Atlantic Program and the retreats that are offered at NO cost to the women who attend. We are fortunate to have sold out of 2Fly registrations, but please come to enjoy the rest of the fun. To register for the event and BBQ, click on the following link: 2Fly4Hope Fishing Challenge.
General Event, 2012 2FLY SPONSORSHIPS, or Auction/Raffle information: Mollie Simpkins 410-336-1175 or MOLLIE.SIMPKINS@GMAIL.COM
2Fly Fishing Challenge and Stream Monitor information: Kiki Galvin: 703-899-6793 or ANGLA56@MSN.COM
Alumni information: Teresa Rodriguez: 703-597-8304 or TRODRIGUEZMONTEROSA@COX.NET
We are BIG believers in supporting those who support us, so please click on the logos to learn more about our sponsors and donors! Learn more about the available sponsorships 2012 2FLY SPONSORSHIPS. Special thanks to Douglas Dear and Rose River Farm for allowing us the use of this spectacular venue for this event. Do yourself a favor and reserve a rod and a cabin!
Meet the volunteers...
Kiki Galvin of "Ms. Guided " fishing guide service from Northern Virginia is one of the many volunteers that help make programs like Casting for Recovery and Project Healing Waters successful in therapeutic recreation and recovery for wounded military service members and outdoor enthusiasts battling cancer. Kiki notes that people she and other volunteers meet at these fishing events create friendships that enrich these experiences and benefit both volunteer and recovering angler. Come join Kiki and other volunteer fishing enthusiasts at the CFR Annual event at Rose River Farm in Madison. See photo below from Project Healing Waters event at Rose River Farm last April. Fishing is FUN and MORE...