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Water level is at 900 cfs w/ a lil Brook and Stream impute. More rain in the forecast from Sat. thru Wed. - Thurs. With the present uncertainty of the storm tracking this away, the forecast is uncertain presently on the amount we might receive. Maybe a Nor-East'a? I'd guess they will keep this current flow for now, but raise it even more shortly, depending. Heard the reservoirs came up 4-5 feet after some of the rain we recieved last coupl'a weeks. The level in the Lake Ontario is down also. With the coming rain and if the storm hits us, expect a ton of leaves and both reservoirs filling up comfortably w/ continued great water flow's.
Few old and moldy Salmon still around w/ an occasional freshy. Most of the river has that old moldy dead Salmon smell. P-U! This higher flow should fresh'n the breeze a lot!
All is great on the Steelhead front. Lot's around. While in the drift boat I checked out one of many area's where the fish hold during the middle of the day. (Transitional holding) It's length is approx. 1/8 mile long. From the head of the hole - run, it was LOADED! All I could see were SOLID Steelhead packed tightly together. As I drifted this section, it was 1 here, then 3, then 6, then 2 then 8 then more and more and more for an approx. 1/8 mile stretch. This particular area is what I use to gauge the pulse and or barometer of #'s of whats moving in the river, etc.. The very next day off the boat I noticed all new Steelhead w/ the same numbers. At least 100 Chrom'rs each day (in this one area) filtering up the river, spreading out. PLUS, all the rest of them in all the normal spots for this time of year, water level, life cycle, etc.... Steelhead average 8-12 lb's. Some honka's I saw were those 16, 18, 20lb'rs! Yesterday, every single chrome hold'n spot I could see, had a few to many! Ye-Haa!
All Fall Steelhead water is holding, top to bottom.
Lil Tip: 2-5 feet of rippled water or the heat combined with a current break. Gaurrenteed!
Common mistake: Some anglers Ive noticed recently are fishing the Winter lyes, with poor results. (More on this subject later, so stop back)
The lower river is producing 10-20 hook-ups (2 anglers) on Chrome almost everyday, as reported by a guide friend of mine. The Estuary has a bunch thru out and the anglers are doing well down there. The river has Steelhead top to bottom w/ more entering the system daily. The U.F.Z. has a few presently and expect more arriving daily. I normally dont target Chrome up there until mid-Nov.
A freind has been hitting them reeeel good in the middle river while spey casting.
My last trip:
In the first hour of the morning w/ 1 guest, he had already tied into 4 steelhead. Lets try this new normally productive pocket, first drift, fish on! (#5) New spot, see those Steelhead? Fish on and on! (#6 and #7) - Ye-Haa!!
There really is no bad place to fish, providing you have the correct habitat. There is a lot of empty water out there. Being rigged correctly for the education level of the fish and most importantly, presentation, will find you on your way to FISH ON!!
Presently, these Metal heads are on FIRE!
Torpedo - Bullet run's, water spraying off there backs, changing direction in a blink of an eye, keeping you on your toes and hopefully not on your back!
Running up and down the river to keep up w/ them is the norm.
Tarpon jump's, 3-4 feet in the air. Sometimes somersaulting like a jugglers baton before splash down, sounding like a cinder block w/ water splashing 20 feet in all directions.
Tails walk's for 20-40 feet will last in your memory for a lifetime. Dam, I love this job!
Lil Tip:
Set your drags light and dont rush the landing. Most fish are lost in the first 5-10 seconds or at the net.
I always tell my guest's that its a lil nicer to still have the fish on after the initial hook-up, speeding bullet run's and jumps. You can always tight'n your drag after this ball of wrecking energy subsides a lil. Always expect a few more bullet run's as you get ready to land it. Dont force the fish when landing it. Another very normal mistake. Adreniline and excitment causes many fish to be lost, understandably so. Smile
Next weeks archived Tips, Pic's and Ramblings will be on - Whats the best way (guide secret's) to fight your Steelhead?:
This one may surprise you, so stop back Smile
Brown Trout:
The Browns are starting to move to that special rock w/ more daily thru the month of Nov.
More Tips and Ramblings for Today:
Length of time any fish will hold (current break) while in transition is determined by:
(Varibles do apply)
The #1 determining factor in the length of time any fish will hold in a current break is determined by the quality of the current break.
What it had to go thru to get there. A great place to fish to any fish that are in a transitional stage would be above shallow rapids combined with a hole at the top.
They all want to rest after all the energy used up to run these rapids.
A hole is comprised of numerous current breaks:
1. The head of the hole at the drop.
2. The hole within the hole (this is like a magnet and also where many fish will hold thru out the Winter, hint-hint Smile
3. The tail of the hole where the water moves slower.
4. Any boulder's in the hole that break the current flow.
5. The seam's of the hole. (Where the fast water meets the slow water)
These are all comprised of small and large pockets that the fish will normally rest-hold in as they navigate there way up river. Normally, they are only in here for a short period of time. As they have one thing on there mind, to find a quality current break where they can be safer, hold and rest comfortably for a longer period of time, sometimes all Winter in the case of Steelhead. Many times I've guided these pockets for Steelhead. Hitting one shortly, then the next, for normally unpressured uneducated Metal. Checking to see if anyone is at home that wants to play. It's a fun way to cover a large area of rapids and is often over looked by the average angler. Kind'a like'a box'a chocolates, never know Smile
Big - Small Surface and Sub-Surface Boulders in a run:
If they are on the path that the fish are taking, normally they will hang out here. These can be seen visually but also sub-surface, none visual rocks. By looking at the surface flow will many times tell you what is sub-surface that you cant see. Many anglers walk by the sub-surface current breaks and allows you to find unpressured uneducated fish.
Most fish use the current and the depth of the water to navigate the river. So any current break on this route is a prime resting, holding location that should be fished while we have fish that are in a transitional stage. We will have fish in a transitional stage all Fall, Winter into Spring. Coming and going.
(Lil tip: Normally during the middle of the Winter these transitional spot's slow down to a point where your odds are best if you stick with the prime Winter holding habitat, its what I normally try to do)
There is a reeeel nice article below that talk's more about current breaks, Enjoy!.
The determining factor in the length of time any fish will hold in the above current breaks is determined by the quality of the current break. Weather, bright sun or dark, rainy, over cast day. Angler fishing pressure. What it had to go thru to get there. Depth and speed of water. Life cycle. For Steelhead and Brown Trout, a current break combined with a food source where it feels comfortable and safe from predator's. Yup, as anglers we are considered a predator by the fish Smile Visually and Audibly.
I laughed the other day when seeing an angler dressed in bright Orange. Maybe he was trying to blend in with all the changing leaves? (har-har)
An ol'tim'r freind of mine hates useing a bright colored fly line. Say's it spook's the fish, same as bright clothing. Another guide friend use's an extra long anchor rope so he can slowly and quietly drop down to the fish. Sometimes when sight fishing to shallow, spooky educated BIG fish we fish from our knees, stalking, crouch over when approaching, stand behind a tree, etc... Trying to blend in. Similar to hunting a Deer - Turkey or sight fishing those crystal clear shallow water light colored sand flats on Monomoy Island, Cape Cod to Stripers and Blues.
[#3333ff]Stay tuned for more[/#3333ff] entertainingly informative and mildly educational reports and articles[#3333ff] on this never-ending virtual fishing trip with your host[/#3333ff] [#3333ff]Randy "The Yankee Angler" and friends.[/#3333ff]
I sincerely hope that what little I've been able to share with you will help you along the path to more enjoyable, safe, knowledgeable fishing.

Thanks for stopping in and spending your valuable internet fishing time here Smile
Hope your all enjoying this great fishing!
Best Fish's,
[url ""][/url] - Fishing reports (More Tips, Articles, Pic's and my usual Ramblings Smile
Steelhead Salmon River Pulaski NY Fishing Report Steelhead Salmon River NY Fishing Report Steelhead Fishing Report