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Full Version: Strawberry on Friday
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The good news it was an absolutely beautiful morning. No wind, cool and clear skies. The bad news is the fishing wasn't so good. Might have had something to do with full moon on Thursday. Two of us fished Mud for three hours from kick boats, every color of leetches you can think of, one hit, no fish. Moved over to Chicken Creek East, finally caught three nice cuts in about a half-hour span using a bright yellow. My buddy switched to light ginger color and he caught three nice bows. That was it. Six fish in about six hours. The daily use police were out issuing warnings and reminders to pay the $5 daily fee or else.
Great report. The Crayfish are changing color and Orangish is the color, which would explain the bronze.
I like Yellow.
You say Day Police? Not real police in other words? If not, what gives them the right to ticket anyone. I have wondered this. It it is BLM land isn't it? And if you were cited and didn't pay, what can they do?
I NEVER do well at Mud Creek. I often end up there on the days where Strawberry is super windy because it's a little more sheltered than other areas, but I have been skunked there 3 times. 3! And one of those was through the ice. I think I've given up on Mud Creek.
[quote Jakkson]The good news it was an absolutely beautiful morning. No wind, cool and clear skies. The bad news is the fishing wasn't so good. Might have had something to do with full moon on Thursday. Two of us fished Mud for three hours from kick boats, every color of leetches you can think of, one hit, no fish. Moved over to Chicken Creek East, finally caught three nice cuts in about a half-hour span using a bright yellow. My buddy switched to light ginger color and he caught three nice bows. That was it. Six fish in about six hours. The daily use police were out issuing warnings and reminders to pay the $5 daily fee or else.[/quote]
Was it American Land & Leisure? From what I understand, they have no say, and only a peace officer can issue a ticket. Overstepping their bounds.
It wasn't a ticket. It was a "reminder" to pay fee with envelope to put it in. The notice said if I didn't pay I'd get a ticket. I felt why risk a possible battle for $5
I get those reminders every time I go because I don't pay the fee unless they remind me too. Ha Ha, Have never got away without paying though.
[quote Blueboy22]I get those reminders every time I go because I don't pay the fee unless they remind me too. Ha Ha, Have never got away without paying though.[/quote]

That is my question, what if you don't. Ticket from whom, and why?
For $5 not worth it. Just pay and avoid the aggrivation. Thanks for the update.
I absolute can't comprehend why anyone could so CHEAP that they would try to avoid paying that silly little usage fee! My aching ass folks. How do you suppose they pay for maintaining the facilities (that some sick low life scum trash every so often), trash removal etc? If you can afford to drive all the way up there, a measly $5.00 shouldn't break you.

I remember back when there were no fees and the cost of maintaining what amenities there were were paid through taxes. Things have changed and we have so many more people using the resources, support maintaining them has to come from somewhere. Why not from the users?
There is a differents in being cheap and throwing away money.
When we first hit Chicken Creek, there was a flipping mobile out house.
We launch our pontoons so basically, all we are using is a place to park.

$5.00? For what? Times that by every car/truck that visits......really?. And they don't own the land?
[quote GEEZER]I absolute can't comprehend why anyone could so CHEAP that they would try to avoid paying that silly little usage fee! My aching ass folks. How do you suppose they pay for maintaining the facilities (that some sick low life scum trash every so often), trash removal etc? If you can afford to drive all the way up there, a measly $5.00 shouldn't break you.

I remember back when there were no fees and the cost of maintaining what amenities there were were paid through taxes. Things have changed and we have so many more people using the resources, support maintaining them has to come from somewhere. Why not from the users?[/quote]
Give me a break!
Who the hell is getting the fees. You really think it takes that much money for a truck to suck the $hit out of ALL the crappers up there? And a once a year garbage collection?
How about putting a couple concrete johns there? How about a nice small concrete boat ramp. How about more than one garbage can. Then I think the $5 would be worth it.
There are lots of places in Idaho that have been closed due to redneck beercans. A fiver is a small price for a nice place to launch, it kinda keeps the [#0000BF]deleted[/#0000BF] away.

What pisses me off is people fishing on a boat dock that get rude when I want to use it to lauch/load.

Tight lines . . . . Dale Smile
And a lot of places that don't charge[Smile]
I don't see a fee deterring pigs, they travel in packs.....