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Full Version: October going to November fishing.
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Well latly been driving a quite a bit with fishing as most of you know that I want with ETDT to a great place caught 1 bow 12 in dinker. 1 walleye 17 in and the other walleye was a baby full 10 in didnt even know I had a fish XD fought like a blue gill to me. You cant forget about the big huge native rainbrown that was 22 in 4lbs and a whopping 7 oz and a 16 incher.

Just recently hit kidney pond killed the dinkers with my fly rod and went to the Jordan river and looky here a sucker. It gona suck to be a sucker [laugh] 19in.

For today as well just did a little trip to another jr spot gosh that 2 in white bass didnt even fight. Gosh a 2 in blue gill on a fly rod would go in circle mode at least. XD

When the weather gets colder im gona go ice fishing a few places and maybe back country snowboarding to a few lakes in the mean while. I already shredded the snow on Friday and hope for more snow to do front flips once again good days.
"native rainbrown"....hmmmm
Will trade worms for aspirin.
If u watch hank Patterson flyfishing expert videos on YouTube you would understand. [laugh]

Go to this URL and there's the video and then u will understand the Native rainbrown thing lol.
Hank was a joke for those that did not see the vid, but in many ways, it hit the nail on the head.

Nice job FFL. You keep saying on the fly rod....what's the big there any other way to fish[Wink]
Caught this one today, just for you[Smile]

[Image: 20121029_111831-1.jpg]
I wish I could get a carp on a fly rob but the JR will only sacrifice wb, SMb, and lmb on fly rods Sadly

My head hurts after reading this post, pretty sure I lost a few brain cells!
Those are some pretty nice fish in your photo bucket. Good post, and thanks for sharing, I think???? [Image: confused.gif]
im sorry for killing a few of your brain cells i might find some new brain cells to put in a package and send it to you.
Ya no problem I think lol [Wink]
nice comeback dude
Just give me your address and I will send you some Utah sucker brain cells or i might get mixed up with roe [laugh].
[quote Flyfishinglover]im sorry for killing a few of your brain cells i might find some new brain cells to put in a package and send it to you.[/quote]
I really don't think you could spare any. Especially new ones.

Edit- I almost forgot the Smiley face and Wink.
You never know there's crazy technology that's under government hands that people dont know like always ha ha ha

Everything is being kept secret these days ha ha ha.
[font "Calibri"]This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes. “Everyone is now dumber” from the movie Billy Madison.[angelic][/font]
[font "Calibri"] [/font][url ""][font "Calibri"][/font][/url][font "Calibri"] [/font]