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Someone posted once that Scofield was dead, took over by the Chub invasion.

Um - [url ""]check this out [/url]to the contrary!

[url ""]Utah Division of Wildlife Resources[/url]
Two trophy trout were recently harvested at Scofield Reservoir. Rob Bona of Springville took a 7 lb. 4 oz. tiger trout using cheese bait and Rob's son-in-law, Riley Thorpe, caught a 16 lb. 2 oz. brown trout with a spinner. Both men were fishing at the Mountain View unit of Scofield State Park.

Read this article to learn more about the best techniques and hottest spots to catch trout at Scofield. [url ""][/url]

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Dang that brown makes my brown look small.

It looks like your going to give the river a break and head down to scofield im guessing????
I saw that and was like that fish is as big as the kid [shocked], those are some really nice fish, I cant wait till I can get into some nice fish like that [:/]
It's still overrun with chubs.
It's the smaller trout that are affected by the chubs. There probably was some toads in the Berry when they last poisoned it.
Ohhh man... i bet a 16 lb brown would taste delicious [:/] nothing brings out the beauty in a brown like death........ [crazy]
Might as well keep 'em. Not much chance of them growing too much bigger before the treatment.
[quote Fishrmn]Might as well keep 'em. Not much chance of them growing too much bigger before the treatment.[/quote]

They really aren't planning on a "treatment" are they? I thought the DWR lost all their rotenone privileges and was being forced to actually "manage" our fisheries for the "long term" (I'm being sarcastic). It's not like I and many other people could see this coming from a mile away. I also didn't see many people here bitching about the fact that the 4 and them 8 fish free for all crashed the predatory trot population and let the door wide open for a chub takeover. Not to mention what's its done to lower fish creek... I'd really like to see the state get out of these boom and bust cycles.
They use rotenone almost every year somewhere. And yes, they are contemplating a treatment at Scofield. They can't get the chubs under control with 'biological' means.
They had the chubs under control for over 20 years at Scofield.
[quote Flyfishinglover]Dang that brown makes my brown look small.

It looks like your going to give the river a break and head down to scofield im guessing????[/quote]

Yes, a 16 lb. Brown would make your 4 lber look small.
You are killing me!
I know you are just repeating a post, and I am not disputing anything, but 16 lb? I know they probably reported using a scale but, I just don't understand the weight thing some times.
Example please:
[Image: IMG_1906.jpg]

This trout was weighed three times with three different scales and weighed a little under 10 lbs.

16 lb would put that brown at around 32 to 33 inches...

When did FlyFishingLover land a 4 lber? How did I miss that! I read all his post...[Wink]
[quote flygoddess]When did FlyFishingLover land a 4 lber? How did I miss that! I read all his post...[Wink][/quote]

It was a twins post.
I love how you spreading my quote thanks ha ha ha [cool] AND FOR SURE IM STOCKED TO SHRED THE GNAR [cool][Tongue][Wink][angelic].
Yote I'm thinking Bear River tonight for the last hour of light. You in? Minnows were real active last night but I didn't have time to wet a line. I think the warm day looked like it woke things up. Later J
Not surprising to me.

I've posted about pulling my own lunkers out of Scofield twice this fall.

If Scofield is overrun with chubs, someone better tell the trout.

We catch trout fish every time we go up there -- most of them are 12-15".

There are a lot of chubs -- which is why they went slot limit on the Tigers and Cutts.

BTW that Tiger must be barely over the slot limit.

Last winter the state record Tiger came out of Scofield.
wish I'd read this earlier. Alas - tied up with some yard chores, clearing crap out of the boats - of course more to be done.

I was THIS >< close to just grabbing the boat and running to Hyrum. Maybe this weekend...

hope to hear how ya did. I was thinking this warm spell, bright moon - I gotta get out.

But gotta get the hatches battened down before the next cold snap, and snow dump freezes us in!

And not to be a grammer nazi FFL, but "stocked" is what they do to our lakes with all them finless freddies, "stoked" I think is more akin to your shreddage...
but you're welcome to spin your own yarn... [blush]
Yote you chose well after a dead battery on the truck I settled on a run down to the tressle got there as the sun was slipping behind the hill casted long enough to loose two rigs without a single bump. I'm really disliking that spot. Don't know how everyone else catches fish there I get skunked 90 +% of my trips there. Anyway we'll see what the weekend does. Later J
It just amazes me about the chubs. Two of us hit Scofield, tue. and tried to catch chubs for bait. Naddda. Not one, and we tried. Managed 56 Cuts and Tigers, no bows and NO chubs. In 6 trips, I've got over 300 fish, No chubs and No lies. Alot of 4-5 # cuts and tigers. Largest a 25 inch Tiger. If you fish with minnows you catch fish, worms sometimes catch chubs. If you fish for big fish with big fish food, you catch larger and bg fish. I just wish I could get a few chubs because the cut bait stays on the hook better. I hope NO for treatment.
Awesome fish.

Is it best to fish with minnows and chubs for tigers on the bottom or on a bobber?