Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, Day 2, 11/2/12, Martin from VA
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We struggled today. It was just not that good today. We tried a lot of things and never could get a good grass bite going. We did not catch even one on a frog today. This morning they seemed to be shut down I guess due to the cold weather coming in. We finally did catch a couple good ones including one that Martin got on a bursh hog that tipped my scale right at 5.0 lbs. emoThumbsup That was it on anything big. We managed some two pounders also on a verity of baits from swim baits to TN rigs. Nothing very big except the one big one. Our best five today would have only been about 13.5 to 14 pounds. emoRolleyes I was at least happy to see Martin catch that five pounder today and the five pounder yesterday. emoThumbsup He drove down here from Vinton VA just to fish for some of size so that is not too bad. Hope we can get on a better bite tomorrow or at least make it three days in a row with a fiver. emoTongue Jmax