Hi all the names Dean. Im from Alabama and new to utah. Been lurkin here for a few thaut id join.
Just got me a new ugly stick from walmart and lookn to tear it up. Those tye dye twins seem to no some good spots. I think i'll hit
a few up. Maybe that little dell place
anyway nice meating ya all.
Pleased to meet you as well. Lot's of tips on this board. Good luck to ya.
Welcome and good luck fishing!
I'm sure you should change meat to meet. Just a small note [
Welcome to the most bi polar weather in the US. Hope you enjoy the great fishery that Utah have to offer. [
[quote Flyfishinglover]I'm sure you should change meat to meet. Just a small note [
WOW!!! You are correcting spelling, I am impressed[laugh]
Welcome [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=BucketOworms"]BucketOworms[/url]
All part of the master plane.
Ya right!!! [
] You know you messed up and it wasn't for me too correct it.
[quote flygoddess][quote Flyfishinglover]I'm sure you should change meat to meet. Just a small note [
WOW!!! You are correcting spelling, I am impressed[laugh]
Welcome [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=BucketOworms"]BucketOworms[/url][/quote]
teehee - that's what I was thinking.
Yeah -
meat is what you get off them fish-filets, while
meat is what you might do if you run into one of the pointy-haired twin types!
Sounds like you're down in the SLC area? The twins are pretty generous about going on fishing adventures with others.
What kind of fish do you like to target? Got a fishing bud up this way who hails from 'Bama too.
Be sure to read up on the regs. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Little Dell has some special restrictions - no bait, all C&R on cutts... but I could be mixed up. I've never fished it.
Not to be a grammar nazi, but just to let you know - there's a spell-check feature built into the forum, so it shows words it doesn't know with a red-squiggly underline. You can right click, and it'll pop up spelling suggestions. But I don't always agree with the dictionary, in fact we've had bat-down-battles! bwaha.
By the way, make sure to try some of the best duck hunting west of the Mississippi. At least I spelled that one right...... I think.....
I wouldn't mind anyone joining my twin and I. We are not ax murderers like some people portray us to be. Anyone is welcome to join us on our adventures.
Little Dell is C&R on all cutts, AF&L only, no motors, and you have to wear waders to be in the water. You can keep the brookies and the brown trout but I have not been lucky enough to get one of those out of Little Dell.
The spell checker is great but it messes with the Quote Process for me. Also when I copy paste my reports to here it messes them up.
wasn't this you hitching a ride to the Dell?
[inline 557102_474211042599098_671395001_n.jpg]
I actually was sincere in suggesting reaching out to you guys about fishing around there. I know you guys do like partnering up with other anglers, and I think that's a pretty cool thing of ya.
Thanks for clarifying the regs there. I didn't used to realize that even the scented plastics don't count as artificials. Still wonder if there isn't some sort of marking on products to let you know.
PM me if you ever wanna join us.
Thanks for bringing up a funny picture and trying to incorporated it with twins that just made my day better thanks. [
Welcome to Utah. Enjoy fishing here. A little different than Alabama.
welcome! Glad tochave you on the forum!