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Full Version: Could We Do This?
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Hi theangler,

The moderator board has never been so busy since I've been a mod. Wow!

To add to your woes.... I wonder if we could not get a '1,2,3..Next' function on individual posts just as we do on the 1st page of the individual posts. Or a 'Next Posts' button.

I had to hunt around to find the 'Threaded View' (among all the other threadeds) button to view the posts after post number 17 or 18. One site I often visit has a button that states 'Veiw All' which I think is much easier to follow.


HI Ron, for this you want to go to your personal settings. there you can change the way you see the boards as they open.

you can have them show in any number of post you want 10, 25, 50, all.

you can have the boards open in flat mode or colapsed mode where all post have to be opened up on a string individualy. the only draw back is you have to open previous replies to understand what is being said.

if you set your settings to flat mode you can veiw all the threads in the number of post you desire to have displayed on a page.

Hi davetclown,

Thanks for the info. I remember your picking up my questions before and thought I remembered that you too were a moderator with theangler on this board.

Sometimes two heads are better than one... but only sometimes! ha ha ha Sure works in this case.

No reply necessary,
