Fishing Forum

Full Version: The Gorge before the STORM
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Three of us hit the Gorge on thursday morning.. You have to wait to start fishing in Linwood bay till day light.. The wait made me think of the opener of fishing we use to have back when..[crazy][sly]
We had a light breeze at first but the fishing was good, I had two fish in the boat before the other two got a bite..One was a Lake trout about 10 to 11 LB and was sent back to the deep the other was a Burbot..

We got lots of hits but like TD has said the fish was too dumb to hang on, we ended up with four Burbot and four Lake trout.. We planed to try in the evening but the wind had white caps by 3:00..
Spoons tipped with chub seemed to work best..
Thanks for the update.
Your welcome..